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Everything posted by coldprince

  1. Всъщност не съм използвал Гугал преводача. Ако бях, сигорно щяха повече хора да ме офертират. аппп
  2. Если ишо согласен чо писал у пост 4 , сделаем в най-скорое время ;)
  3. Куплю голд и драгоценный предметов- Ша кристалъ, Живая стиль , маутоми. Идея щоб поменял потом за голд. Предметы должны быть в инвентаре персонажа. Офертираю Бонуси при покупкопродажба персонажа Личном кабинете. Пример: 30 уровень с драгоценный - 55 бонуса, 50+ уровень с драгоценный - 110 бонуса. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Оферти на ЛС ! ================================================================ English : Buy Gold and Sha Crystal, Living Steel, Mounts. Idea to exange for gold. Items need to be in character that i'll buy by option Buy Character in wow-panda website. Example: 30lvl with items - 55 bonuses, 50 level with items - 110 bonuses. Offer in PM !
  4. 1. I bought new character (warrior). 2. Achievements dont share with my accound, dont allow me to complete, becouse its "already completed" by his last owner. 3. Achievements from bought character could be shared with accound of the new owner or just reset. 4. Date of the test: Its since i bought character, but screens and details are from today 18.04.2015 5. Realm : x10 6 Priority of the problem : I think its important not only for me, but for all peoples on the server. Priority 10 Screen1 In screen1 as you can see, in this screen, achieve is already completed but its not burn (become yellow). proofs Screen2 Screen3 Screen4 Screen5 Screen6 Screen7 Screen8 Screen9 Screen10 Screen11 - Screen with my statistic reputations for proof
  5. Донейтнол за бонуси чтоб качнут репутации пандой. Иду в сайте Магазин предметов / разное .... и.... что видат - Хозенская трубка мира изчезла ??! Мой въпрос: Будит скоро наличное ? Если да - када ? если не - Када будут работат квести ? Хорош ден желаем ;)
  6. Translate: crazy, a moron , d1ck ... ( thats make me laugh too :crazy: )
  7. Blizzard could back 1 to 5 days from backup that makes server. First for panda-wow i don't think so... Second, 500k gold is not allot for x 100.
  8. Soo @Twigger, I am interested on your addon that showing and can be easy changed the telents. What is the name ? :)
  9. if smbody feared him, he will be in texture or falling under the map.
  10. Что за пиздец ??! :crab:
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