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Everything posted by coldprince

  1. 2.7 arms looking for chill healer. Prefer at same exp(2.7) or min 2.4. I'm chill and rarely raging. FUN realm I speak: English Russian Bulgarian Contact: Pm here or ingame nick Iampvp
  2. Сетка > скатер > 2 трапа. Я бага невижу
  3. уже 2 года стоит етот баг лоло
  4. They removed that couse of wintraders.
  5. still no result ? oh forgot... we plays on pandawow..
  6. They are wintraders obviously! I suggest to ban these players and reset their raiting.
  7. I think it will be another "dead" thread. There is no way that your account get hacked. Make sure your password is not that easy as 123456.
  8. yep, it's true. If you are from fun and abusers are from x100, just type your realm (fun)
  9. Когда Ward отсутствует из пандавов чийт пряма изи юзат.
  10. Ты не можеш передавать героев из офе на фуна. Проста создай персонаж и одень бьстрей
  11. http://prikachi.com/images/336/8643336S.jpg
  12. Да, против варов не работает..
  13. Those 4 naked characters at 2300+ are part of life of someone in TOP10 arena statistic. Kailly can just play with spanish guys in the night. I saw him many time in real arenas via Arena spectactor. But there are "phantoms" that i never saw in arena and they stay at top 10.. illuminati? i don't think so :D
  14. 1.Names: Nurcan Salfiye Fevzii Blom 2.Realm: FUN 3. Wintrading abuse - 4 characters naked with no gear at 2.3k+ just grinding raiting. 4. Proof pic and video [ATTACH=CONFIG]104706[/ATTACH] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV0nkqhCidY 5. Please ban characters and reset raiting
  15. Nice guide Markzxy! Please add some strategies versus: -WWmonk + h/disco Priest -Afli lok + resto shamy/dru -Afli lok + balance druid -Rogue + Rdru -Feral + Rsham
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