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Everything posted by Faithless

  1. So are you saying 900k heals are normal? Rofl.. kk then,my bad.
  2. So today i was in rbg,and we had a mw heal in team. At one point he healed me for 897 k ,so monk heal not bugged ? Kk seems legit.. You all know mw is bugged,you are just deffending it cuz your either carried by one or playing one.
  3. Realm : x10 Name : 1.Xakerone 2.Russian name i cant write it down (Check screenshots) 3.Russian name i cant write it down (Check screenshots) Problem : These 2 or 3 players used some sort of cannons to kill us in middle of Orgrimmar and not allowing us to move around etc.. Proof : Screenshots [ATTACH=CONFIG]74438[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]74439[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]74440[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]74441[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]74445[/ATTACH]
  4. Actually ,on retail you can 1 or 2 shot with sub.rogue,check some youtube videos. As for Panda WoW ,its impossible to one shot someone with sub or any other spec rogue. On topic : Slice and Dice are boosted with mastery,atm. i have 84% attack speed from my slice and dice with my rogue. That sounds alot but when you look at the bugged energy renegeration seems useless.
  5. So today server started to bug out..Mailed items keeps dissapiering and then they duplicate or just vanish,gold send via mailbox also dissapiers.. I have bought wasteland gear on my mage,equiped it. I go for a relog and half of the items vanish ... O.o Whats going on??
  6. Yes lol..I one shot people that are holding the orb with my warlock..Your taken damage can increase by 600%.. Here an example of 1 million hit from bladestorm.I was low gear but still xD. [ATTACH=CONFIG]74142[/ATTACH]
  7. Ok,thank you Lickmyorbs. Problem is that ive donated for Warglaive of Azzinoth ,and they are not transmogable.. And ive only bought them because on my old server was possible to transmog them.
  8. Is there any game master that can confirm that please? Or a link to ingame rules ?
  9. Hello,i wanted to know something. Is it bannable to use cheat engine for transmog ? Im asking because ive seen alot of people using it and they say it is not bannable. Thanks.
  10. Name : Imran ,Subzeroo, Haroon Realm : x10 Description of problem : Well,these 3 guys keeps insulting me and my guild. On nacional base and personal,and im getting tired of it. So please do something about this. Thank you. [ATTACH=CONFIG]73733[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]73734[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]73735[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]73736[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]73737[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]73738[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]73739[/ATTACH]
  11. Off topic. You can start improving by not abusing powers over nothing and teach Syrio some manners. I have donated alot of money on this server and i dont like being treated like this,talking to us like we are some morons with no brains. This server exists because of us : Players and donators ,so do your job and stop pissing ppl off with stupid things like muting for caps lock. On topic. Fixing the ticket system would be nice.
  12. Yeah,thought so..What are you like 12 y old? No point arguing with kids,thanks for support.
  13. Im sorry i dont consider saying : KICK HIM ! an violation of rules,i did not insult anyone in any way. Like ive said,i agree on muting for insults,racism etc. But this is just funny reason to mute someone. I was a game master for 2 years,muting the player should go : Warning,mute 10 min,if he does it again screenshot and mute 60+. So please,work on your logic because this just aint normal.
  14. Im getting tired of mutes for no reason,typing 2 words in caps lock is not a valid reason to get a mute of 60 minutes. This is probably the only server i have played that haves such dumb chatting rules. I agree with muting for insulting,cursing,racism etc. But for typing in caps lock is just pure abusing and stupid. Talk to you gm helpers,gms ,head gm who ever you want and stop abusing your powers. Instead of making people pisst off at you,maybe you should focus that unused energy into fixing and reading damn tickets to actually help someone instead of abusing your crappy gm powers. Have a nice day
  15. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=kcgw3p&s=8#.VNTkWfmG-c1 He was using bugged snake trap ,wich hits for over 1 million damage and one shoting everyone who got attacked by snakes. [ATTACH=CONFIG]72481[/ATTACH]
  16. No need to explain whats bugged,just fix it. Tnx. [ATTACH=CONFIG]72480[/ATTACH] - - - Updated - - - http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=kcgw3p&s=8#.VNTkWfmG-c1
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