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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Pewds cant play today i guess (so he told us in skype yday ) guess i won't join. Maybe if theres a team that need someone but not doing a team now by myself ;)
  2. i like it when i realise that me and frostshotz are the only decent trolls here.
  3. I like it when the pandawow season never ends :)
  4. killed me lol
  5. http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu ---> 3.2 cr war ( on 2.6cr alt atm) Doing 2vs2 with whoever wants ! Just invite me and que ! XP / CR / CLASS DOESNT MATTER ! just invite and go :)
  6. nice to hear .. i was already QQing r
  7. /bump @juster @zeoxx @bukarasik
  8. /Up ! It's still op, idk what you guys are talking about lol ...
  9. nice to hear ;). Ye you can still win if your shaman has sex with the pillars 24/7 the whole game.
  10. ye i will in abit - - - Updated - - - Done.
  11. you wasted stormbolt on the war (you need it for the shaman) and also i prefer + 100k slam instead of a bleed which crits more for 6 seconds. Also you always Thunderclap (reduce dmg) or MS by spamming overpower which will instantly replace your strong bleed against a weak one. So you wont even have more than 4 seconds the increased bleed. ---> useless
  12. hmmm just saw elemental blast crits for 200k + on pandawow ( without burst ) so i guess u might could reck every mage / lock team here ^^ @Milorad belive it or not. yes ill add tons of things later :D just was tired as fuck
  13. no sorry, this will be only an PvP guide.
  14. Hello guys! First of all most people know and call me by the name Markzxy, noneed, Shockwavejk, Allahuakbarz, Aidsbaster or imsostonedxd. I decided to make this guide because many people asked me how to play warrior or if i know some tips & tricks. Let's start with the structure from this Guide: Structure Basic rotation & spells Gems & enchants Reforge Talents Glyphs Useful macros How to play against different classes Viable arena compositions Tips & tricks How to play different arena compositions Basic rotation First of all you can't really say that you have a "rotation" but there are simple rules which you need to follow. http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/ability_warrior_charge.jpg http://www.dot-st.com/images/c/common_new/slide_arrow_r.png http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/ability_warrior_savageblow.jpg http://www.dot-st.com/images/c/common_new/slide_arrow_r.png http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/ability_warrior_colossussmash.jpg http://www.dot-st.com/images/c/common_new/slide_arrow_r.pnghttp://cdn3.techbang.com.tw/system/images/255679/medium/5af70379edfea86ed53c1d7262121cd1.png?1443186335 So this just means you use Colossus Smash after your Mortal strike to get the biggest advantage from Slam, simply because slam dmg > Mortal strike dmg. If you also want to stun your target, the best rotation would be to stun between colossus smash and slam. Right after spam as much slam / Overpower (deepends if you have alot of rage or not that much rage) until you have to restun. You will always use colossus smash and mortal strike on CD because it grants alot of rage which you will need to farm the most dps. Let me tell something about your "main" dmg abilities. Slam http://cdn3.techbang.com.tw/system/images/255679/medium/5af70379edfea86ed53c1d7262121cd1.png?1443186335 This is the most powerful spell and you will ONLY use it when you have colossus smash up, or trinket proccs w/e (honestly spamming overpower can be more useful instead of samming slam without colussal smash in some cases) . Also when you have colossus smash up but you have almost no rage, spam Overpower. colossus smash http://db.duowan.com/wow/resources/ICON/ability_warrior_colossussmash.png It's worth using it on cooldown against some classes but if you want to burst soon (let say you want to burst but your stun is still on CD for like 3-4 seconds) you just save it up until you have your stun ready. Also it grants like 15 rage. Should always be used before bursting !! Mortal strike http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/wow.gamepedia.com/e/e7/Ability_warrior_savageblow.png?version=57f1f6a9074 d4f142b9163296e8353b7 Should be used on cooldown. The reason is simple, it reduce the healing by 25% and grants 10 rage. Overpower http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/ability_meleedamage.jpg This is one of the most important spells. Whenever you have low rage you will use it on cooldown. Also it reduce the cooldown from mortal strike. Another positive aspect is that your enemy can't parry this spell. So whenever the enemy warrior (for example) use "Die by the Sword" you just spam overpower. The rage cost for this ability is also low. Heroic Strike http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/ability_rogue_ambush.jpg You barely use this ... it costs alot of rage and does comparatively low damage. Anyways if you want the "oneshot effect" you can use it with reck right after a slam or just after shockwave for example. Doing it sometimes and always oneshotting ppl with it :D. Don't ever use it if you don't have enough rage / dmg Gems & enchants http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103527/prideful-gladiators-plate-helm --> http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76886/reverberating-primal-diamond http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76661/inscribed-vermilion-onyx http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103785/tusks-of-mannoroth --> 3x http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76697/smooth-suns-radiance http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102728/prideful-gladiators-plate-chestpiece --> http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76661/inscribed-vermilion-onyx http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76697/smooth-suns-radiance http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102618/prideful-gladiators-plate-gauntlets --> http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76649/radiant-wild-jade http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102724/prideful-gladiators-girdle-of-prowess --> http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76697/smooth-suns-radiance http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76649/radiant-wild-jade http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102732/prideful-gladiators-plate-legguards --> 2x http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76697/smooth-suns-radiance http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102698/prideful-gladiators-warboots-of-cruelty --> http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76697/smooth-suns-radiance You might wonder why i take the PvE shoulders ? It's pretty easy to answer: We don't take it because it's a PvE item and many people here think its still bugged in arena. We take it just to benefit from this 3 gem slots. 3x 320 crit is just amazing. Enchants : Cloak : + Tailoring Chest : + 80 stats wrist : + 180 strength Weapon :+ Dancing steel Gloves : + 170 strength Boots : + mastery and movement speed Reforge There is just a simple rule which you need to follow: 3% Hit > Crit > Mastery > Haste Talents Tier 1 : You can take Juggernaut or Double time. It's a personal opinion which you like more. I prefer Double time because ive more charges and i can just time them betther by myself. Tier 2: Nothing to change. Tier 3: Here you can take everything. Staggering Shout is just insane if you need to peel and a must against every warrior team which could train your healer. Piercing Howl Is pretty nice against priests and druids since you can get priests out of spectral guise with it and slow druids even when they are trying to kite. Disrupting shout got declared dead actually. I figured out that this spell can be useful against mage + druid teams. Why not against mage priest ? Simply because you can stop fear with piercing howl and staggering shout so easy that theres no way to play with disrupting. Anyways against Rdruid mage, the enemy mage will mostly try to nova you and deep poly your healer or / and try to rof you. You can easily stop alot of shit with this ability. Tier 4: Some people like to play with Bladestorm against mages. You can stop alot of setups if you know how to use it. Actually only worth against Priest mage because you wont be able to kill the priest anyways in early dampening. Against druids i would always play stun because you will try to kill him. Shockwave in 99/100 cases. Tier 5: Nothing to change. I dont know why people play with massreflect honestly. You will loose all your mobility. Tier 6: Always stormbolt. Glyphs That's the most used build but you can change mortal strike glyph and colossus smash deepends against what you play in arena. Colosus smash glyph is nearly useless as soon as you play against things like Priest + mage or Rshaman + lock. You will always stay on the mage/lock and since they wear cloth, you grant almost nothing from that reduced armor. (cloth = almost no armor at all) rather take http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43417/glyph-of-rude-interruption rude interruption. In 3s or against meleeteams in 2s the glyph "Blitz" http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43419/glyph-of-blitz would work also. Also you play with that glyph in 90% of all your 3s games. Mortal strike glyph is only useful in 3s when you can get trainer or in 2s when you expect a dampening fight. Like rsham war vs. Mw war You can change it with glyph of Heroic leap (reduced cd = good against resto druids / mages ). Useful macros [spoiler=My macros] VER 3 010000000000000C "Arena1" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@arena1] Charge END VER 3 0100000000000012 "Arena1" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@arena1] Pummel END VER 3 010000000000000F "Arena1" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@arena1] Stormbolt END /cast [@arena1] disarm VER 3 0100000000000010 "Arena2" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@arena2] Stormbolt END VER 3 0100000000000013 "Arena2" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@arena2] Pummel END VER 3 010000000000000D "Arena2" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@arena2] Charge END /cast [@arena2] Disarm VER 3 0100000000000014 "Arena3" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@arena3] Pummel END VER 3 0100000000000011 "Arena3" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@arena3] Stormbolt END VER 3 010000000000000E "Arena3" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@arena3] Charge END /cast [@arena3] Disarm VER 3 0100000000000018 "cancel" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /morph 20580 END VER 3 010000000000001A "yolostorm" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast Execute /cancelaura Bladestorm END VER 3 010000000000001D "useless" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast Shockwave /cast Dragonroar END VER 3 0100000000000019 "int" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@wizpk] Safeguard END VER 3 0100000000000016 "int" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@mistx] Safeguard END VER 3 0100000000000017 "interv" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast [@party1] Safeguard END VER 3 0100000000000015 "Reck" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" /cast Recklessness /cast Skull banner /cast Prideful Gladiator's Badge of Victory /cast Avatar /cast Execute END VER 3 010000000000001B "Taunt" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" #showtooltip Mortal strike /cast Mortal strike /cast [@arenapet1] Taunt /cast [@arenapet2] Taunt /cast [@arenapet3] Taunt /cast [@arenapet4] Taunt /startattack END /cast [@arena1] Disarm /cast [@arena2] Disarm /cast [@arena3] Disarm /cleartarget /cast !Demoralizing Banner /tar [noharm] Demoralizing Banner /cast !safeguard /cast !Demoralizing Banner /cleartarget /cast !Demoralizing Banner /cleartarget /cast !Mocking banner /tar [noharm] Mocking banner /cast !safeguard /cast !Mocking banner /cleartarget /cast Mocking banner How to play against different classes Still under construction Opener against resto druids: You always try to open like that because you will force as much cd's as possible or maybe just kill him. [spoiler=Opener on resto Druids] Viable arena compositions 2vs2 Warrior + every healer Warrior + shadowpriest ( need to be played really good ) Warrior + balance druid Yes, as you see there are not that much combs you can play in 2s as warrior :D 3vs3 Warrior + mage + resto shaman / resto druid (T1) Warrior + lock + resto shaman (T1) Warrior + hunter + resto shaman (T1) Warrior + ele + Priest/resto druid (T2) Warrior + shadow + rsham (T2) Warrior + enhance + Priest/resto druid (T1) Warrior + feral + rsham (T2) Warrior + DK + rsham/MW (T2) ^ This is according to Pandawow ! Tips & tricks Still under construction In General As soon as you don't play against locks or monks who spam paralyse you, use berserker rage whenever you feel like you have alot of damage unless you have already http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=13046/enrage up. As you can see above in my macros, i wrote http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5308/execute in my burst macro. Why ? Because sometimes you just fear someone while he is in execute range or just charge someone. With that macro its just 1 click and you can kill him in a chargestun. Otherwise you will have a small delay which fucked me up many times :D Disarm offensive ! For example against dk's or warriors you can just disarm them when they are low hp or you dont have a stun atm and you still want to do huge dmg. If you don't need it otherwise (for peeling for example) you can use this spell as great offensive ability. Not that "Pro tip" but please as soon as you see that ur healer is cc'd, ur low hp and u don't have a trinket, just try to use pre deff cd's. The key in "doing pressure" is simply to get both low. For example the enemy druid is LoSing so you just stun the warrior and as soon as he wants to heal him switch back and cleave both with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12328/sweeping-strikes Skull banner in 3s ! For example you play WMS, you will try to always use ur skull banner on your first cc chain on the healer. You are a warrior and you can get easily peeled so atleast give your mage the chance to force some deff cd's solo. as :shaman: :warrior: vs. :monk: :warrior: ? There is a simple way how to play (unless this Mw is completly braindead and you can kill him) : Stay on warrior the whole game and don't even let him touch your shaman. Also your shaman should play with spirit trinkets and hex on cd in dampening. Thanks god you have link and also a great chance to win. In that game it's all about "Who use his deff cd's earlier will lose. Another thing in my macro list is the "Mortal strike - Taunt" macro. It will just taunt the arenapets permanently and you will be able to kill them always. Helps alot. Don't spam http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1715/hamstring ! I saw that very very often... Against resto druids okay, it's worth to spam it since they can shapeshift but PLEASE stop spamming harmstring on a warrior :D http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=57755/heroic-throw You can't even imagine how useful this spell is. You just spam it whenever you are out of range anyways but here is also a pro tip : If you are bored that a lock is kiting you ( in 99% cases he will play with bloodfear in 2s and 3s ) pop reflect and heroic throw on him. Yes even with that spell you will trigger bloodfear and reflect it right back in his face. Also great to cross cc - Stormbolt 1. dps, heroic throw into bloodfear on lock and kill healer. Same works with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6343/thunder-clap + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=23920/spell-reflection problems against resto shamans ? Bro .... belive me, you have to kill the totems :D if you stick on the shaman he will just put a totem right into your face just to employ you so he can run around pillars. Staggering shout him or just fear him and kill totems with 1-2 overpowers (you always kill totems with overpower). You will need this 1 - 1 1/2 seconds if you want to continue touching the shaman. If you won't shreck his totems, he will survive. (Talking about healing stream + tide) Spirit link! That's the most important sh*t against rshamans. If you see that you won't be able to kill this rsham war or rsham dk (whatever, just a melee) Try to get both low so they won't have any benefits from spirit link. save disarm If you want to make 100% sure that you will get a Disarm on the enemy, charge him and disarm him while chargestun. He won't be able to parry while he is stunned. Abusable explosive trap on Pandawow ! as soon as he scatters your healer, walk into the trap, wait until you get knockbacked and than just intervene after. Or just cc hunter after he scattered ( even a charge can be enough that he can't throw an explosive trap) Battle shout Best thing would be, use it before you charge someone. It grants rage which is really helpful in the opener. How to play against different arena compositions I will start with "How to play resto shaman Warrior in 2s" Many people will say that you don't need a brain for this comb or this comb is just easy as fuck. Whatever, it's true (easiest comb for a warrior after MW war ). Anyways i'll explain you how to play that comb on his maximum against different combs. Rdruid + warrior Pretty simple, your shaman always try to stay next to you so you can double shockwave, peel and he also can purge the druid. NEVER let your shaman do a 1v1 against a enemy warrior because a shaman will die way easier than a druid. Anyways you just sit on druid whenever you can touch him. Try to rape his anus as hard as you can and as soon as you can't follow him anymore, switch on the warrior. Let your shaman just spampurge the druid and NS hex as soon as you get a stun. Rdruid + mage Here again we just sit on the druid. Going mage before dampening isn't worth unless it's a switch. You will give him 15% more dmg (incanters ward) and he won't die because he is a mage. Also here your shaman has to play offensive as possible and spampurge on druid and spam Hex on the mage. It's really hard to find the right balance between playing offensive with purge etc. and not getting cc'd as shaman. But as soon as you master it, you gonna win ;). in high dampening you can switch on the mage and just lick his ass the whole game. He will die because you simply can't outheal that as resto druid. Resto shaman + Warrior What should i say .... Here again you need to switch really good. But i found out that going on the shaman whenever you can is the best choice, unless the warrior is low HP and you have cc for him. Anyways, your shaman has to run in and spampurge + hex him also. Deathknight + resto shaman / druid Here you will just sit druid/shaman whole game. You need to take care and peel this dk as much as you can. As soon as he pops burst or has pressure on ur shaman, switch instantly on him, root him, disarm him, do whatever you can just to not let him fuck ur shaman. If the enemy shaman is abusing bullwark totem *cough* fenamore + rsham *cough* Just switch sometimes on shaman to make pressure and sit most of the times on dk. Try to get both low that the enemys can't really benefit from spirit link is the most important thing ! Your shaman just try to survive and hex on the enemy shaman. Hunter + resto druid Yes, you will see as warrior you LOVE resto druids. Stick on his ass and try to stun/disarm/charge hunter on scatter. Anyways he has almost no peel for this druid (just ros) so you should be able to easily rape him. Shaman just spampurge and hex the whole game again. Mage + Priest Trust me dude, you won't kill the priest. Let your shaman play like a pussy and purge fearward instantly in the opener. You will be able to fear the enemy priest asap and force a block in the opener. Anyways you just have to sit the mage, a priest can't outheal that for long anyways. Switching priest is only useful in 20% + dampening, but than you should have forced almost every cd from the mage so yeah ... just kill mage Rogue + mage now it's gonna be interesting. If they go on your shaman, let him trinket and dispel you (you will get a poly 100% sure) so you can just fear both and stick on the mage (unless the rogue trinkets, than just reck him in a stun) be sure that the rogue won't use prewall ! Anyways just stun the rogue instantly on his trinket. Basicly if i get dispelled, i follow this rotation. Intervene my shaman ---> Fear rogue --> trinket ? stun him ! ---> disarm rogue. After that just stay on mage. For the next go you will have a trinket and you can just force this mage to block with reck. Your shaman just try to survive and spampurge / hex on mage as soon as you guys can do pressure. MW + War As mentioned in my Tips & tricks, just stay on war the whole game and don't let him touch your shaman. Root him, disarm him, stun him. Do whatever you can so he just can't though your shaman. Your shaman need spirit trinkets and alot of mana in dampening. Don't let him spampurge unless it's high dampening and your fine + he has tons of mana. Be greedy with all of your cd's. Especially spirit link ! If you force them to use their cd's earlier, they will die. Ascendance, spirit should be used in late late late dampening. So your wall. Try to not stack and play perfectly. Just spamhex monk and follow these steps and you will win :). Don't forget that you are still not able to win against MW + war with your comb. As you can see, resto shaman + warrior is just played completly offensive. Against almost everything (except mw war) you can just go in and spampurge so ur warrior can kill something. Alot of warriors don't understand it and just stay at the pillar 24/7 as soon as they face a mage + rdruid. This guide might help you ;) MW + Dk eventually it's the same as MW + war. Stay on dk the whole game and fuck him up as much as you can. Throw every cc on the Monk or on the dk ( if he has pressure on your shaman). Be sure you burst the Dk while he is disarmed. Also as soon as he pops gargoyle, pummel it. ---- going to add other combs later ---- Hope you enjoyed reading this guide and as i said its still under construction :). This Guide will be continued in the following days. cheers
  15. lmaoooo, tiggar you got rekt :D
  16. Ye say thanks to iwannadance who gave us tons of rating :) ofc always the same comb is boring. In mop u can play what u want with good players, thats what i like in s15
  17. Noneedholy


    Ye i got a 24h suspendion .... can sonneone explain me his pouint ? Wondering ... Gonna report iwannadance anyways later for using 2 accounts since this guy obviously wants my dick. Anyways bored of you. As soon as im home ill write a report dont worry.
  18. Noone will ever find me... im invisible @padora i dont get the point from ur comment with repitch, can you explain it ?
  19. Because im hiding
  20. Ive 51 binds which i all use :( But yeah, gonna write it later since i get alot of whispers how to play vs xx/xx. Also with some videos inclueded :)
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