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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. ^ up!
  2. Hmm its almost for all spells that the percentage modifier are chosen from the base stat. Let say ( thats what i wanna test later) you have 50k strength and ur unholy might gives you 15%, you would have around 57k strength. Anyways, by ur logic it wouöd be forst all modifier on and then + the percentage value that would end up in a fcking fiasco lmfao. Anyways couldnt proof anything / had no time yday to check these kind of proccs for melees but ill take a look intonit. But normally first modifier than mastery i think ? Pretty sure mastery is one of the last things you apply bit i could also be wrong The difference is urs is a passive and i talked about a buff ... not sure but i think mastery is pretty much the last thing you apply ... have to test later
  3. Ill continue doing some tests later when im home around 6 pm. I have some things in mind. Meanwhile i would appreciate everyone whos able to find videos (s14 or s15) where you can see the CHARACTER stats while trinket is proccing etc. I want to see how much stats they gain from trinket proccs and especially from % proccs such as unholy strength. Would appreciate everyone who could send me some videos :)
  4. Pce tard stop implying im a liar
  5. It doesnt look like that when you are falling. On my screen u are obvious standing / flying in the air :O
  6. you will get neeeeerfed fixed * sorry :)
  7. 1. Señorpujo 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=44948 3. 2.5 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=207949&page=2&p=1244326#post1244326 5. https://imgur.com/a/G0HSD
  8. well done sir
  9. Read The tooltip jesus christ. Linked 4 videos and noone gives a shit if its 5.4.2 or 5.4.8
  10. taco ... want some more proofs ?
  11. And Btw read the tooltip before you write such nonsense
  12. & You mad ? Now be quiet
  13. No you little taco, you gonna be quiet now and provide some proofs that it has changes from 5.4.2 to 5.4.8 you god damn idiot.
  14. Well okay pujo to make you shut up once again : You see any changelogs ? No ? Then be quiet
  15. 1. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Roiling_Blood 2. It refresh's the dots on your main target 3. It should not refresh dots on it's main target 4. 17.01.2017 5. fun 6. 7/10 Proof :https://youtu.be/vedhFblTwdo?t=2m24s & & &
  16. Added a proof :) shut up now taco
  17. Okay now i srsly dont understand if ur trolling or if you are really that stupid lmfao
  18. You little taco don't get it right ? As soon as you re-apply dot's no matter on who or whatever, the dot's should be affected by the character stats. Suck my taco now
  19. 1. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Roiling_Blood 2. If you spread dots who are affected by proccs (such as trinket proc etc which incrase DMG) They will do the same damage even tho your buffs are gone etc. 3. If you reapply Dots/Bleeds or whatever, the damage should be equal ur stats which you had when you re-applied the dots, not equal ur stats you had when you applied the dots first time like 2 minutes ago. 4. 17.01.2017 5. fun 6. 7/10 It's obvious huge because once a dk bursted in 3s he will obviously keep spamming blood boil because he needs it for his runes. In 3s you will most of the time have dot's at the end of the game which were affected by the opener proccs. If you stand near him + he doesnt plague strike on you. Proof + To make it simple: Blood boil should overwrite your dot's with new one (with the current proccs u have etc) Just watch the video for like ~1 minute, this mult r1 Dk explains it pretty well :)
  20. Saw a video from a dk who had the same stats as me. Just 5% less parry somehow, gonna post later.
  21. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=39426 Add please and give it some priority ^^
  22. You are still wondering lol ? Dude he is stupid as fck and thats not even an insult, thats the truth No hate but i swear he is not trolling ... its just unbelievable
  23. Noneedholy

    arena/bg save

    please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease fix that ffs
  24. And they said they will update today ?
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