First of all i am only reporting because this guys found (SOMEHOW) a way to get 65k mmr ... lol
1. Hunteresst (x100) (0- fucking 229 LOL)
1.2 Serkaa (x100)
2. x100
3. As you can see in the proof below (And it's not the first time i saw this) This guys are just afking in arena ( Guess some1 of them leaves?) And it's always ~600 mmr vs ~65k mmr
4. Also here you will notice that theres a time difference between ~20 minutes because i couldnt catch them the first time.
Now i'll post something that i saw at the 26. december 2016
If you look at my clock on this report you will notice that between the Arena spectator and where i caught him ingame, theres a ~30 min delay. Anyways first game i couldnt join but i had the pleasure to catch them again 30 min later.
1. Ullah (fun) (Has no games in 2vs2 but maybe he just lost 24/7 like this guy Hunteresst)
2. Fun
3. Same reason as above. I could only screenshot this guy because everyone else already left...
As i said above im only reporting because this abnormal high MMR can lead to this guys wintrading the shit out of their chars next season.