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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108558 Issue: Procs off every Corruption. What should happen: It should only proc off your recent Corruption. So if you have 2 targets dotted and you dot the 3rd, it should only proc off 3rd guy Realm: x100/fun Priority: 10/10 this bug is causing aff locks to do steroid damage Video Proof: also please notice me moaning about how fcking balance that shit is. Well you can clearly see that i get sometimes 2-3 proccs at the same time. This should not even be possible due the fact that it should only proc from 1 (my most recently applied one). Therefore i could max get 1 proc each TICK not 2 at the same time. This was bugged earlier and got fixed.( http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=163210&highlight=Nightfall) Now it's bugged again and makes lock totally braindamaged op ...
  2. Noneedholy


    idk playing mage on a daily basis and i can tell that waterbolt is doing no dmg at all xD
  3. Np man some ppl are just inbred tacos, nothing to do there :)
  4. LOL Stfu you damn virgin What you mean ? The spellpower you gain, the absorb ? Or what
  5. Stfu son of a taco. Rather spend your time trying to cross the border without getting killed, cunt
  6. You dont have to bump it twice per day u fucking autistic moron
  7. Pandawow pathfinding in a nutshell
  8. Noneedholy

    Shroud bug

    Lol wigger is talking. Gtf out of my hood
  9. Disc EleGiggle
  10. Noneedholy

    Shroud bug

    Stfu us virgin Fite me irl
  11. Noneedholy

    Shroud bug

    You know what people say about small people ? Right, their d is Tiny
  12. Lol ... read my quote again xD No but you cant even speak proper english ... not like its important or smth (kek) Your life must suck bro. I mean i dont speak perfect english but its at least better than yours ... it sounds like you dropped school at the 5th grade Idk why but i think ur just another taco laying around here
  13. "2 desperate retard" yep, cant even write proper english while blaming someone.... stfu Idk ... having a gr8 time trashtalking DK player :mocking:
  15. Yeah idk ... dk is like warrior ... they really need to buff them, otherwise they are unplayable. Its not like there are 10x more important bugs right ? Morons
  16. Either get some formulas and test the spell dmg or the autoattack dmg. Otherwise it will get declined
  17. He is the tacolord lol ... if he doesn't know how it is to be retarded who else ?
  18. https://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/v/43931265 Np gotcha
  19. Yes ring has a 3 sec inner CD and we already discussed that 1-2 years ago. ah ye i see it has a 3 sec ICDalready ? or not
  20. oh lol .... Early on retail some1 was like .... WTB *Insert item name here* for 10k gold ! Excited how i was, i just bought it out of the auction house for 5k gold. Anyways you can imagine the end of the story, he just logged off since it was his auction on just another char / account. after that i just did it by myself and earned 110k gold in 2 days on Eredar - horde 4Head edited *
  21. Noneedholy

    Demo curses

    Am i wrong or ? You are right but you are talking like u wouldnt get a dmg reduction at all. first of all uve 10% and 5% which is already good. 100k normal pyroblast in burst. 110k 120k 10k dmg difference applied from 1 guy playing this class. okay i can say it's a bug but 8/10 and not more lol. And idk bout demo locks but i think you can't spam it But if you want to talk about yday, nice 5 sec blankets on this fucking RING OF ALLAH U AKBAR honestly THAT's a bug that should get fixed -.-
  22. Noneedholy

    Demo curses

    Probably he played abit too much with Max. When i read that i honestly have to puke. Thanks for telling me my lock is immortal with ironbark or flameglow from mage. Thanks played against enough wms's where my lock got oneshotted in 1-2 globals. I even by myself oneshotted thilan often enough on my warrior so i highly doubt it has such a big impact. However, still a bug and should be fixed but stop making such a big thing out of it wtf is going on lol. You are talking like every 2nd lock here is Demo and they are immortal and would never die against melees even tho thilan get constantly rekt by warriors even in 2s lmao. Uhm actually every affliction lock took less dmg than thilan but m'kay. Dieing in 1-2 seconds is tanky as shit prob then.
  23. Noneedholy

    Demo curses

    You obv never played vs WMS where a demo get globald do you ? You r triggering me with ur statements holy fucking shit noone disagrees that this bug is OP but these sentences are just bullshit
  24. Noneedholy

    Demo curses

    That was right after their 3s. I'll be quiet now otherwise i will trigger some people roflmao http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=198708&highlight=debuff+shouldn%27t+stack Idk but demo lock was never a real target for melees anyways when theres a mage in team btw.
  25. WAIT WAIT WAIT... Please stop blaming for a second. I am STILL waiting for zankeds pics. He got requested like 5 times. Abu stopped playing so you dont have to count with him.
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