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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy

    Demo curses

    That was funny.
  2. Noneedholy

    Demo curses

    And now imagine together with a firemage in 3s Fucking beyond op.
  3. Noneedholy


    US virgin
  4. Holy fucking shit ur the best example of an forum pussy. Disgusting rat
  5. aww i like radiohead kinda ... 7/10 this is actually good xDD
  6. Your sister is a 2 y old nigger ? Ok
  7. LOL yeah lance is doing no dmg Kappa. Will proof ur formula wrong when ive time later :3
  8. I like the general discussion thread.
  9. Yeah so ? lul Funny how he always uses the excuses that some1 is triggered or "Your ego got triggered" xD This thread is just stupid and i would actually like to feel sorry for you ! But I'm maining Holypriest and rofl, yeah those are pretty strong atm in 3s with all those bugs ! For explanation ... I was maining warrior a time AFTER i came here. So yeah calling people pricks or w/e only because you didn't get what you want (warrior fixes i guess?) and because they might like the warrior playstyle, is pretty stupid. Whatever man, everyone will agree with you who is not a warrior. I can say that almost every war is trash here, so is every DK but i won't say that everyone who plays those classes is retarded or a prick only because i play smth else rofl. :mocking: Ima leave because this thread is full of PJSalt xD
  10. Uhm .. for my part ... i stopped playing warrior and barely - not play it anymore but sesly you guys have to fcking calm down rofl. Warrior get stomped in 3s easily ( at least when i face them i dont have a huge problem beating those GODS) So holy crap we know warrior is OP but overreacting af is the only thing i can read out of ur post.
  11. Playing destro in 2s and complains about T1 class Sense. Pathfinding =/= warrior
  12. ah my brain ..... it hurts
  13. Well i wouldn't tell him to waste all his time in fixing this bug since i really think fixing this kind of "bug" is almost impossible. But whatever Offtopic; did some russian guy already reportet the huge lags you have on Pandawow ? Still a problem since the beginning ... u just have to compare it to every other mop server where you have a smooth gameplay while here... well idk
  14. Huh, do i know u ?
  15. Noneedholy

    Friendlist Bug.

    Arena / BG = CRZ = Cross realm zone which is on a seperate realm. That's why ur offline because ur atm not on "Pandawow".
  16. Idk man ... i dont even bother reporting such things .. it just ends up that they bug 10 new things. No offense to heisenberg but all these fixes will lead to nothing because at the end its just bugged as before or even more just with other spells ...
  17. Did it still in s15 BUT... its harder than it sounds.. from my experience you have to press it EXACTLY at the end of his cast and even then its only a 50/50 chance if it works. So wasting a gcd idk ... i actually only purged myself 4-5 mcs off i think lol .. And ye almost noone knew it and ppl like meh etc are also just player ^^ most of them dont have that much clue bout theorycrafting. I mean what i sometimes read in our guildchat is really questioning xD
  18. nah . 5/10 so much im missing ... a good beat for example
  19. What ???
  20. Noneedholy

    Void Shift

    ofc they did
  21. That's how it was on retail lol .. did it very often so what do you mean ^^
  22. Purge the priest shouldn't remove MC ... Purge on the Mc'd target should remove MC I think it's like that :)
  23. 1. that's not me you filthy scrub 2. Don't even dare to judge anyones music taste because urs sucks totally. Gj, i bet you are one of those guys who think they are very clever eh? Are you that kind of an intolerant piece of shit ? Holy fucking shit stop saying that "nigger" rap (id love to see you in america calling anyone nigger btw) is shit. Noone fucking cares if you think they are the games, respect the rules or gtfo here 3. Gj, don't ruin this thread and just fucking rate the previous ones. People who do that 1-2x are not that problem, ur literally spamming the whole time in this thread and ignoring the whole time the rules.
  24. Some1 should report the deserteur debuff. Fucking mentally disarmed fuckface morons still wintrading in this shit bracket GOD its pissing so off only because some ppl are so fucking braindead and even wintrade in a fucking OFFSEASON Holy fucking shit some1 hang this retards pls sry didnt mean that srs. Or maybe i did
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