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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy

    Hunter /kek

    Diabolique you are how old now ? what did you say, over 30 ? ( well even awbeex told me ) And you still come with silly jokes like that ? You think ISIS is funny ? Bro haha i guess there must something happen to you or one of your family member that you will understand how stupid you are with these jokes. Grow up and get a life nerd
  2. i love this thread, so much PJSalt here .. keep going lel
  3. No. can you stop caring if its just an game ? amazing :) i feel the madness from someone who got nothing :aggressive:
  4. Noneedholy


    They need a fix actually. But for first i wanna find out what is the reason for that high random dmg sometimes. Really weird
  5. hmm idk when i played pal in dampening i actually could outheal alot with cd's (it's all about timing cd's actually) + denounce not that bad. Honestly paly should be way worse in s15 Oo
  6. Holypal is strong as fuck in dampening on Pandawow atm lol well ye purpolz is kinda bit ... bad not really a top tier healer :/
  7. i mean no offense but that really can't take that long lel
  8. Noneedholy


    Such a productive report. :good:
  9. complaining as dk about warriors :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini:
  10. That's amazing. We got a retard here who don't even understand english but anyways posting "LOL" why r u lying" here. Read the comments again and think about it thanks.
  11. They are working on WoD
  12. Tiggar that's most interesting. I mean you actually try to burn people who have a real life. All you do every day again is just creating useless threads in this forum just to prove us even more that you have no real life at all. Why would you just else create threads like this and try to make yourself "famous" by stealing guides etc. and try to earn reputation for that. For me you look like someone Who has a little self awareness. Otherwise i can't explain myself why you would try to act like that. You are the biggest attention whore in this forum here lol ? If you wan't to blame me and to tell me that im looking for beeing famous or whatever : No. If i want to be famous i'd suck everyone's cock here like you do it until they also start to blaming you. That is just a tip from me ... just a personal tip so better accept it: Go out and meet some friends. Go out and try to find a girl ? Even if you are ugly as fuck (what i guess now) you can find a girl that is (prob.) even more ugly and desperated aswell so yeah let's go. Also when i read your story i had to laugh many times i mean What do you expect ? Ofc people think you are gay lol ? You obviously needs a girlfriend or you are just gay as fuck. Simple as that and that's the explanation for your behavior. I know my grammar is shit lol but a guy like you shouldn't talk about grammar while he's writing like a fucking 10 years old kid who had his first english lesson Honestly tiggar and no offense now ... go out, get friends, try to do something with them because (let's say it that even a kid like you can understand it ) WE DON'T WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU aight buddy ? I hope you understood that now. ah ye btw people like you were beaten at school. Sounds hard but it's true.
  13. Leave this server finally.
  14. Diabolique you are just bad. Stop complaining about other classes you wintrader fuck. Leave this server finally you got banned already and even in this season i BET you gonna try to trade again and you will get fucked AGAIN. I dont know why you even try it honestly ..
  15. yeah because i created this Kappa have better thing to do lmao that thing is created by an random player from wowcircle idk who tbh I'd love to see a tmorph where you can change your gear also.
  16. There are no script for an "dmg incrase" just scripts to kickbot or reflect bot for example. Simple as that. You can "hack your dmg" by using WPE but yeah whatever no idea if hes doing that. I guess he just abuse an stupid rune abuse thingy, not sure
  17. accepting gifts from a guy that annoys and blame you ? Wow im amazed. I hope you guys dont act like that irl and its just a "pandawow thing" Ahhh do what you want not my business rofl, not giving this poor slut my attention. (meant is tiggar)
  18. Do you guys even know what is a script ? I dont think so.
  19. That's how people act in this forum. Insulting everyone and cocksucking after for some weird reasons. Well ok most of the people do it. I'm out tiggar is an bastard
  20. Pujo won't understand it anyways so who cares ... And no a good rdruid war is better then a MW war but yeah there are no good rdruid wars here. All hes talking about are combs where he got farmed.
  21. 2vs2 Good that you play on a rating where you are not able to talk about what is "op" and what not. You dont even have keybinds. Means your outplay potential isnt that high. so don't even try to tell us what is OP and what not. Thanks
  22. Ofc they did while spamming his aids on 3 targets + pet. Also there were really short games where you outdamage everything with procc dots + gargoyle In 2s a war should outdamage a dk easily.
  23. Most annoying thing is that you cant dispel hex nor you can use shroom (most important sht)
  24. Tzz thats so funny. I said that already 1-2 years ago and people were like "no omfg hes the best dk " Jk he cant even copy a single useful spell. He is just doing retarded dmg thats all. Also dks on retail had a down time after their burst and not that good substain dmg. Here on pandawow they are outdamaging warriors in a 2s match. Shouldn't be like that tbh
  25. Completly agree ! Most of them are backpaddeling as fck. Its disgusting
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