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Everything posted by spbel

  1. I did the same thing on the fun server i wanted to play a lot bgs with spriest and bdruid at the end i end up struggling to find a healer for 3s.
  2. Maybe from hotted too? http://i.imgur.com/lWXRmGI.jpg
  3. Maybe in wod but i am sure he didn't used it in mop
  4. Are allys queue like before 10 min? on x100
  5. man didn't we play 1v1 wars yesterday?
  6. You are doing something wrong. Rotation?
  7. did you tried unlearning specialization.
  8. no i feel that is the opposite we were playing with 300k hp chars and winning vs fully geared people.
  9. I am the only one who thinks that arenas are easiest in x10?
  10. Your logic is amazing so first of all battle fatigue is lowering the healing. Second how can you lose 70%hp when soul reaper works only under 35%(not completely sure). Explain man And what do you mean nobody is heaing 300k my feral had 300k heals in arenas.
  11. you forgot the kappa?
  12. What do you mean they are fine. http://forums.nexusmods.com/uploads//profile/photo-5495410.jpg?_r=1405964236 http://i.imgur.com/gmaJ5hl.png?1 PS: I am too lazy to find 49k ticks with living bomb with malevalent set mage. As arcane
  13. There is nothing someone can do to fix that.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/ynTHqS0.png?1
  15. Tnx a lot i needed someone to comfirm that. I forgot to mention one of my friends plays since the open beta and have never won a legendary in the packs.
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