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Everything posted by Ðionysus

  1. i would like http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103122/prideful-gladiators-shield-wall to be buyable, but alas it is not! qq
  2. Healing stream puts you in combat. It shouldn't.
  3. 11/10 11/10 for retard comment by Noneedholy (but I guess we already expect that from him now anyway lol).
  4. Yes that's no problem, but we need to make things like living bomb explosion, dark soul dots, or 3/4 seconds of orb on you break ring.
  5. Sabrieu, another guy I farm 20-1, who alt f4. LOL How this guy got a title I don't know
  6. Okay title pretty much says it all.... (Btw nice one for fixing the warlock pet healing bug. I only reported it recently and you did it fast so gj) This is about alt f4 heroes and arena rating reset. Quite simply, I want to ask that 3s rating NOT be reset and I will explain why. There was a whole post on wintrading in 2vs2.. Which has quite obviously happened, if you look at how the rating has inflated so fast. Because of this, I think it would be a good idea to reset the 2s ladder. But not 3s. There is no need to reset the 3s ladder: 1.There has been no wintrading, 2.and the rating is very low at the moment, so it doesn't even matter if someone did alt f4 (all it changes is their win-loss) Take this team for example: http://forum.pandawow.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=93128&d=1443159439 http://postimg.org/image/edh7z4kdd/ This team (mostly their Shaman Bakss) ALWAYS alt f4 every time I beat them.. But Bakss only has: 84wins-26loss. Only 26 loss lol? I beat him 20 times (no offence to him either he's decent, just alt f4s a lot). Overall though, it doesn't matter because his rating is only 1932, and by the end of the season everyone's will be like 2.4+. So, my point is, please don't reset 3s rating.. It's tedious as fuck trying to get rating in 3s already because rating is taking much longer to inflate. I'm getting like +2 rating per win. If you reset it will take even longer.. -.-
  7. what has poly got to do with anything? I'm talking about deep and ring. Nobody is talking about ring and poly sharing dr lol, everyone already knows that. - - - Updated - - - Well found.. I just want to see Ring > Deep tho. But i guess it would be the same. If this is the case then damage needs to be fixed on RoF then. Also gratz on beating me for once in 2s Noneed (on a class i never play).. Must feel good after getting farmed 20-0 in 3s by me lol. I'm glad you finally won a game and mustered up enough confidence to trashtalk again like your normal self :D
  8. Furmetal I didnt understand your answer at all... Or the screenshots, ofc Deep Dr's with Poly. But show me the changelog in the patch notes where it says "Deep will no longer DR with Ring", because I've showed you from 4.2.0 onwards it clearly does DR with Ring. - I thought we are on 4.8.0? Lol
  9. So people are going to complain about other people's classes and nobody is going to argue back? :P GL with that! lol 2s Personally 2s is rock, paper, scissors, so the comp I don't want to face depends on what I queue. Although Rsham Warr/DK is strong enough to beat anything if you can outplay slightly. 3s 3s ofc is more fair, and you can beat any comp if you outplay them. Currently, the only comp that I hate is MLS - Because it's bugged to fuck, (and even though I farmed that Russain MLS like 16-2), a combination of: 1. Warlock Pet taking 60% extra healing, [Edit: fixed.] 2. Ring of Frost not breaking on damage, = Broke as fuck and makes games that would usually be faceroll as fuck last a bit longer. Overall Overall though, not really fussed about classes/comps, since If someone else is queueing an OP comp, usually I just queue one too and GG ez win. :) The only classes I would bring up, are the ones that I know have bugs making them slightly underpowered: Mw - Life Cacoon Enhance - Freedom bug + Fire Ele + Glyph of Purging + Glyph of Healing Stream Can't really think of any other classes that suck atm because of bugs - If i've missed any let me know :)
  10. I know this post is purely about ring not breaking on damage, but what makes it even worse is that Ring on here doesn't DR with deep freeze. Furmetal on another post was insisting that it shouldn't DR... But check it out: Step 1: Open: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Patch_4.2.0 Step 2: Ctrl+F - Type Deep F Step 3: Read It's quite clear it should DR.. So can we at least fix that simple problem, if we can't fix it breaking on dmg?
  11. Okay you made me check. Now tell me why you think it shouldn't diminish please? (No disrespect meant Furmetal, I'm just curious if you still disagree) - - - Updated - - - I doubt that's the problem... What does it absorb atm? Because 80k absorb compared to like 400k absorb is a big difference, and 60% healing reduction from battle fatigue won't change that imo.
  12. Like probs most people who are gonna post here complaining about Elemental, you are a noob. Posting a screenshot of a BG is just so incredibly stupid.. Swifty hit 1 million in a BG as a warrior, does that meen warriors are OP lol? You just go double pve trinket, full hc pve gear, and gg, ofc you're going to do way more dmg. Are you that much of a noob that you don't understand this? Mastery doesn't increase proc rate, it just gives chance on duplicating spell. /facepalm lol I personally haven't played Ele much recently, and plan on quitting for a few months since everyone is too low rated in 3s for me to actually push - Everyone's so far behind that I only get like 2 rating per win and -35 per loss > But last time I played Ele it did seem okay. But if Elemental Oath isn't working, then it definitely needs to be fixed. When I think about it now, I actually wasn't getting many procs - 4 flame shocks up usually equals spam procs, but I never got that. Really well spotted bug mate! How long has it been like that for lol? - - - Updated - - - P.S. - Inb4 people crying about Ele: Tell me how it is bugged. Can you dps through hex for 8 seconds like you can with ring of frost? Or do they get OP heals like Warlock pet bug? Retards want to say that the mastery is bugged - Even though the main admins like Furmental haven't found anything. Nobody has found any reason at all to suspect this. And what's funny is - Even if it was bugged, it's an absolutely TINY bug compared to Ring and Warlock pet ect. lol. I have no trouble vs any ele teams as resto.. When I queue seriously I farm them everyone. Even when queueing with randoms, the only teams i've lost to a few times are warlock comps (because bug healing on pet), and MLS (because bug ring)... So please, keep crying about Ele whilst they are missing 7% passive spell haste haste, 10% reduced nature/fire/frost dmg from Glyph of Healing Stream, and are missing Fire Ele.. ELE SO OP!! :Kappa: How about boomkins? What are they missing? Infact, as LSDv2, it's easy as fuck for them to win, because treant is bugged and can keep the enemy healer in combat at all times, even if it's 150 yards away lol. The only reason nobody is crying about boomkins is because there are no good boomkins on here. I guarantee if my s15 glad partner Blazemore came on here and queued for a month, everyone would be screaming "OMG BOOMKIN SO OP 200k STARSURGE" lol. - Rant Over lel.
  13. Hmm okay my bad.. I think it can amusing/interesting to hear people opinions. I was also annoyed that a few stupid players like Noneedholy managed to get an entire thread closed single handedly, by trashtalking about non-relevant shit - that's why I remade it.
  14. you realise there's not that many teams queueing on pandawow? If they fix it you'll just q into same team untill they stop queueing then no q will pop. If more people queued then ofc it would be worth changing.. But for now, only thing I'd like to change, is to be able to see my teams MMR (not a big deal though).
  15. I haven't bothered posting anything about it because it don't effect me really so idc.. But i'm facing so many people who alt+f4 atm in 3s. The team that does it the most is Bakss and Starfall's LSDv2 with a Russian lock. Everytime they lose atleast one of them alt f4s... Quite a few other teams do it too, but I rarely face them again so I don't bother remembering their names. But Bakss + Starfall + Russain lock Alt f4 every loss lol. Personally I don't understand the point, since you only lose like 4 rating vs me because I'm higher mmr.. Unless you want to try and pretend you have a good winloss lol, I dont see the point in alt f4'ing vs the r1 team. It's a bit annoying but meh.
  16. Gz. I got 2.8 with Akuyama farming random teams... Enhance still wasn't viable, but it's so ridiculously easy to 2s rating on here. And this is the last time I repeat myself lol - Nobody played enhance because it wasn't viable. I was pretty much the only enhance queueing. Only now, after Windfury is fixed, is it 3s viable. :)
  17. Lmao the hate is real! (funny thing is I know it's only because I've farmed these few and they're mad lol) :( For example: Someone's seems jelly... :) But honestly, I make posts about a lot of bugs, not just this. ^^ And even better: hahahaha wtf Noneed you just made a thread only a couple days ago, crying about it.. Now you're crying about me - crying about it? Hahahahaha. And i've play a lot more comps than LSD.. You should know that since I've already farmed you as 4 different comps already this season. :)
  18. I know there are a lot of posts about this already, but i'm getting a bit bored of meeting MLS now since everyone has realised that - all you have to do is dark soul dot > deep freeze the healer, then use ring of frost on him and you win. Seriously is the biggest bug in the game right now, even more bugged than Mistweaver bubble not working, or Warlock pet not being effect by Battle Fatigue. Those three bugs are seriously so incredibly stupid, but ring of frost takes rank 1 for being the most stupid bug on PandaWoW. Absolutely incredible how broken it is that you can sit 8 seconds in a cc with full dark soul dots, haunt, living bomb, flame shock AND frozen orb raping your ass, and it not break. And as if it wasn't enough that you had to sit 8 seconds cc while you go from 100%-40%, then after that you've gotta sit: a 4 sec deep, a 2 sec shadowfury a 4 sec counterspell. That's a minimum of 18 seconds that you can be stunned while getting nuked, and it doesn't take into account the warlock 6 second pet silence, or the shaman cap stun. Gl surviving that when you're on 50% just from ring of frost.. Lol. 10/10 prio, please fix this bullshit already..
  19. bump... This shit is so stupid. Basically an 8 second stun in which a warlock can nuke you in with full dark soul dots and it dont break. Then you can get 4 sec deep freeze, into 4sec coil or 2 sec dr shadowfury, into 4 sec blanket counterspell, or if you try and heal a 6 sec warlock pet cs. Basically a 20+ sec cc chain of full burst lol.. So broken -.-
  20. No. As I already said, nobody played it because up until 2 weeks ago, windfury weapon was bugged (the main damage from enhance). Also Windwalk is bugged, glyph of purge is bugged, glyph of healing stream is bugged, fire ele is bugged ect. So with windfury being bugged too there was no point in playing them. Turbo is one of the best comps, Enh Dk MW (when mw gets fixed), Beastcleave.. All r1 comps. Not it's hard to find a warrior+healer on our server lol.
  21. I lol'd because Enhance hasn't been viable until they fixed windfury bug like a couple weeks ago. Windwalk is still bugged too, as is glyph of purge, but once those 2 are fixed I think we'll see loads of enhances being played. Shame too, because it's a pretty fun class.
  22. Ahhh yes sry, Minpojke is r1 many times on retail so he might almost be as good as Claimitree. Top Druid has to be either: Minpojke, Claimitree, or Hotted imo.
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