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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. Autschbatsch


    Has been fixed a long time ago.
  2. Bad/Invalid report format.
  3. I don't understand what all the discussion is about. Lavaburst and Chaos Bolt should not be affected by Roar of Sacrifice. Other % modifiers than 100% crit chance spells should not be able to crit I think. Just find video proof of hunter VS warrior duels and that's all there is to it.
  4. Ok thank you for your opinion sir. We will assure the quality of the fix by not making it how you'd like it so we are sure to have done the right thing.
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=235768
  6. Yea sure. Just seen a lot of different sources and claims about this topic. 1500ms seems about right. Edit* It is very evident that it was 2.0 seconds according to my vid which was clearly 5.4.8 5.6s 3.6s https://i.ytimg.com/vi/N1TetLavxuA/maxresdefault.jpg
  7. I don't know exactly what OP is saying should be the case but arming time should be ~ 1.5s MS is a factor but there is clearly no trap with less than 1s trigger time after impact. *Zoom in on these to see the debuff visual timer* Clearly more than 1.5s to me. If anything trap arming time does vary depending on different factors. But it is not a flat nr like 1.0 for sure. https://youtu.be/0rWJwMwbRnY?t=620
  8. 1. Ruins of Lordaeron 2. [spoiler=Issues:] 1 It uses both new line of sight elements of WoD/Legion. Meaning there is an invisible wall in the water and the Grave acts as a line of sight too. 3. [spoiler=How it should be:] 1 Should have no line of sight elements in the south water part of the map and the grave should be no line of sight either [spoiler=Proof:] 1 Pandawow: 4. 14 March 2018 5. QA 6. Prioritiy of the bug: 9/10
  9. Autschbatsch


    Fixed a long time ago.
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