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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. destro WLS must be the best comb ever!
  2. Posting pictures of other people apparently is contributing to a rational debate on pandawow, interesting. It's like observing a new species @topic, why the hell would you make a thread for a tournament that will start 1day after? makes no sense to me
  3. WTS shaman with full resto gear and 14 enhance pieces. PM me for details if needed. Can be found in shop aswell * SOLD
  4. What do you mean? It's still exactely the same as last year. You still are able to cast command demon without using the pets ability and preventing yourself from using it after you sac
  5. You will be the first to gain a free warlock from me if you are able to fix something regarding warrior dmg
  6. sure, but there are some bugs which affect pvp not in the slightest, therefore i rather have them invest in real bugs first and only fix one by one
  7. https://www.twitch.tv/autschi/v/70079370 found at least this one here which is obvious proof that it does bug (higlight short clip)
  8. This bug should be already in their to do list in warlock but w/e. But it bothers me too see random useless spells getting fixed with no love for locks atm
  9. I don't think this is a warlock related bug. Traps are kinda buggy sometimes. I could eat alot of traps with pets in the past
  10. @jordan Please tell me again how good WoD is and how bad MoP is considering that you visit a private MoP server forum u hypocrite. kek made me giggle
  11. nice try to bait, tard. he didn't even play when cross server lagged out w/e
  12. if they don't extend it (which requires them to do absolutely nothing)...... I dunno just seems pointless to all the gladiators which will lose their title after a short peroid of time etc. And alot of undeserved scrubs sit on high rating gained from bugs and lags
  13. that sentence made absolutely no sense but ok, i guess you admit defeat. Sorry i offended you
  14. are you serious? LMAO better use deter at 100% hp to get a 2s cast off buddy! try get a 5.6s pet rezz from warlock L M A O hunter pets are also the tankiest on pandawow by far so shut up xD
  15. Touch of Death could not be used on players and their pets like in PvE But i still feel like it's a funny report
  16. Btw re-charging after a knockback from arathi basin lumbermill and a knock over the EDGE of blades edge is a completely different thing. Too tired to research and proof but it's a fact.
  17. Autschbatsch


    "Vengeful Gladiator" http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/930/865/5bf.jpg
  18. Autschbatsch


    i don't know your alts, but i always seem to get "funny comments" after i win against WLS from the shaman, only the shaman mostly. So it's likely you often
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