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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. This thread http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/252/262/89e.gif tested slam and it crits 5-7k higher in a 1to1 scenario (same spec,gear,procs,debuffs etc. Nobody can prove it with formulas yet. But hey then again, why would you even bother to find out since admins are the laziest peeps ever and don't fix serious bugs within a year.
  2. WTS lock with green fire full PvP gear some mogs 2.1cr~ with engineer and smith on 600. in shop HUMAN warlock below "Nuttapreller" --------------- SOLD
  3. Autschbatsch


    And still some warriors argue that they are retail-like :rofl_mini: and on top of that it is not even 2v2 bracket
  4. blaston on twitch: (i don't have a screen) "WLS is normal comb on pandawow" http://i.imgur.com/yxfbfxU.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/yxfbfxU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yxfbfxU.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/yxfbfxU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yxfbfxU.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/yxfbfxU.jpg
  5. you rather have nothing than drama? boring as fuck if you ask me
  6. blades edge mountains air is also fitting btw ^^
  7. https://www.twitch.tv/autschi/v/61618962 made a highlight since others will get deleted
  8. When i came to pandawow people made fun of the fact that they seem to never fix stuff. Well there i am like 8months later and we still have 90% of the bugs which annoy me. http://www.lowbird.com/data/images/2012/03/imgur-onr4f.gif
  9. I wonder if mods can mute you in arena since im never able to speak in arena...
  10. racist fuck no But you are right about the server
  11. You're naive as fuck /thread 4Head. Come back to me when i was wrong, so never probably same could be said while playing wod "oh sure blizzard will admit they fucked up big time and revert classes right?" xD
  12. Facepalm - - - Updated - - - if you think by pruning it will be better than wod you are far beyond delusional. Visit a doctor asap. Look up any alpha review from players on youtube which tryhard and play the game 24/7 all say it's shit. Garrison shit will continue and class designe will stay pretty much. Much more more important MMO mechanics will be even more fucked.
  13. wtf is this quote. If you pay blizzard 1more montly fee you have no honor. Legion is gonna WoD 2.0 i read up on it. Terrible game. Lvl on any private server but retail.
  14. mods nothing better to do in their lifes besides muting people because players with low self esteem/IQ are too dumb to use the ignore function. you are doing great pandawow http://i.imgur.com/pvXyKKF.jpg
  15. those complains are hilarious. Good thing there are no BM pets in pillars which can be rezzed in 2.5s huh? 4Head
  16. funny how you guys think holinka did cut all classes penises off. That's not the case. Look for a PvP and class designe interview about wod and you will see ( pre wod )
  17. God. Ok. Hello friends. Normal fears should break after 10% of total hp /thread
  18. proof l2p noob fear warrior priest and break should never. fix pls!1
  19. 1. PET DMG 2. Broken as fuck since PvP power "fix" 3. Pets are not supposed to outdeal DKs 4. proof -> common sense, dying faster than against warriors 4Head 5. 6/10 at least you don't have 100% warrior infested brackets
  20. What i meant with this was rather going trough every class and fix 1spell at the time, for example starting with a general bugs like giving -rating to 3v3 dodgers, then going over to class fixes which seem the most game breaking. For example; warrior - fix charge, priest - fix guardian, warlock- fix command demon, druid - fix shroom, rog -fix shroud, mage-fix orb, monk -fix ring of peace, shaman - fix spirit link, paladin - fix blinding light etc.
  21. Bump I personally don't like to hear that "you cannot fix alot togheter" or "it takes alot of time"because that's common sense, but i wanna see fixes (one at the time). This thread provides some of the most crucial ones. If you wanna make some people happy let us at least make a bug prioity chart like a strawpoll....
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