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Everything posted by Lefap

  1. private server or not, people still enjoy and try to go for high rating here, which is why win-traders shouldn't be tolerated ^.^
  2. There's a chance that addons are causing it. Try deleting the interface addons and see if the problem persists.
  3. Might be just a visual glitch
  4. http://prntscr.com/a5xtch - Linderwant *Fun realm* resto druid :p (sold on 2015.02.21, mog is still made by me though) http://prntscr.com/a5xx1r - Cinamon * Fun realm* Destruction warlock. Green / fire'y transmog chosen because of the green fire that I got :p http://prntscr.com/a5xvs3 - Aimedeye * Fun realm* Marksman hunter. Nothing too special though EDIT: Changed the locations of the characters in screeshots, to macth the mogs ;D / Added Hunter
  5. 1. Delete ruRu from Data folder 2. Find your pandawow folder, right-click it, go to properties and unmark read-only 3. Get english config that you can find here - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46675&langid=1 and replace the previous one in WTF file (if you haven't done it yet)
  6. Nicknames of your characters: Overflow Information about your Game Client: 5.4.8, downloaded from your site Describe your problem: My acc got hacked into and all the items got deleted (I do have suspect who that could've been) How you tried to solve the problem: Opened an in-game ticket, Gm told me to post a thread on forum. Screenshots with problem. Important: http://prntscr.com/a1m6iu http://prntscr.com/a1m6n9 P.s. My bank / bags / equipment is visible in the screenshots aswell as /played time of 4 days. This char was also recently transfered from another acc as a gift.
  7. 1. Name of the violator: Justleave & Leavealready (perfectly seen in screenshots) 2. Realm, where you saw the violation: cross server I guess, since this happened in arenas, the players themselves are from fun 3. Description of the violation: These 2 boomies, queued up arenas and used fly / speed hacks throughout whole arena fight, as seen in the screenshots. 4. Proof: http://imgur.com/a/YBgUm - My point of view http://imgur.com/a/AiROt - My partner's point of view 5. Comments to the situation: Nothing really to say, the screen shots should give enough proof.
  8. Nicknames of your characters. Lefap Information about your Game Client. 5.4.8, downloaded from your site Describe your problem. I keep on killing this timeless isle rare mob and it doesn't get counted for the achievement (as you can see I have killed the rest of those) How you tried to solve the problem. Tried killing him several times Screenshots with problem. http://prntscr.com/9xr3w5 - me after killing him, loot table is seen and him as my target http://prntscr.com/9xr42l - achievement's screenshot, you can see that every other rare was killed and it counted, but not this one. I also know that I'm not the only one who experienced this bug.
  9. I didn't get neither the achievement or title, I can post a screenshot if that will be necessary
  10. Nicknames of your characters: Belzébuth Information about your Game Client: 5.4.8 Downloaded from your site. Describe your problem: I completed all the Pilgrim event's achievement, but didn't get the Pilgrim achievement How you tried to solve the problem: I tried the "achievement NPC" in dalaran few times, which didn't work. Then I contacted StarCaller and he recommended me to post a thread here. Screenshots with problem: Screenshots
  11. 1. He didn't mention being GM anywhere there. perhaps he was pretending that he reported you and the report was accepted 2. Coloured text was not used on purpose. It's the {g1} command that does that. And I don't think that using in-game commands is bannable.
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