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Everything posted by fenrir

  1. It's Anwer's business, not ours. Leave it alone, please. NOBODY here would like others nosing in on their business, would they?
  2. Whatever works. But they still have a ways to go, I'm sure.
  3. fenrir


    Anything that happened between Anwer and the rest of the staff is between them. Weegee knows this just as much as I do. There's no point in asking about this because even if he did answer you, it's not a matter anyone not on the staff needs to concern themselves with. What's done is done and it's time to just leave it alone.
  4. fenrir


    Wow. Whatever happened is none of our business, regardless of whether Anwer resigned or not.
  5. fenrir


    You're right on that. And it isn't going to make a difference how many times new ones are made about Licher, Anwer is going to close them all for the same reason. So, I don't believe Licher is going to back down and as well he shouldn't.
  6. And I thought I reacted badly to getting my butt handed to me on a silver platter. This vid proves there's even bigger sore losers than me.
  7. Ignore Tiggar. As far as I'm concerned, he's way too toxic for his own good. Back on topic, I think if Zeox comes back in to fix bugs, it'll help save the server. Obviously, there'll still be other things that'll help too, but that's a topic for another thread.
  8. No, he WAS NOT! Anybody who takes the lives of 6 million people for being Jewish is not a good person. How can anyone who claims to be HUMAN justify one man's INHUMANITY? This stuff offends me most of all because there are still survivors of Hitler's evil. Any good that he did for his people is horribly offset by the evil he carried out. I don't care what anyone says, greatness doesn't come from murdering millions of human beings who did nothing at all to you. He even had babies killed! BABIES! All for freaking being born to the wrong parents! I will not honor such a man. Ever. You lot tarnish the forums with this bullshit, and I hope the GMs close this down.
  9. He was an evil man and not someone who anyone should ever have any respect for. He killed 6 million Jews, plus who knows how many Catholics, gypsies, and other groups who dared oppose him. Why would you stupidly bring him up here?! Keep this crap off the forums. It doesn't belong here. EVER!
  10. Sad to see you go, but I reckon we'll run into each other someplace else.
  11. Whatever floats your boat. But you guys who take potshots at the staff are going to find it'll avail you nothing.
  12. They're more than capable of it if what they're doing with Nostalrius is any indication. Wouldn't put it past them to target PandaWoW next.
  13. Pfft. You'll notice I spend more time on-topic, then off. Read most of my posts sometime.
  14. Certainly. If I'm not mistaken, you'll need Windows 10 if you ever decide to try Legion.
  15. Well, not much can be done about that until we see how 8 comes out. Meanwhile I have Rogue One to look forward to.
  16. I saw the movie and it had that feel initially to me as well. Overall I liked it. Remake or not.
  17. personally, this is highly entertaining.
  18. PandaWow does not include IP ban in their list of punishments according to the rules. And that's never going to change.
  19. Tiggar, my comment went way over your head. I'm more than aware Anwer is not an admin but Tech Support. So is he. But you missed the point all together. You don't get the right to tell any staff member what constitutes spam. For your information, writing Closed when a staff member closes a thread is an EXCEPTION to that rule. You have to remember that staff members, while they do have to follow the rules, are allowed certain amounts of leeway when it comes to closing threads. So back off.
  20. Anwer, don't listen to tiggar. He's too much of a tryhard. I think you're doing an admirable job. Besides, tiggar is in no position to say you admins don't have to write Closed when you close threads or that it's even considered spam.
  21. Institute some kind of system that allows admins to ban cheaters, abusers, and other toxic players in waves and it could work. Especially if these waves fail to give a lot of these players respites from being banned even after spending bonuses to get themselves unbanned.
  22. fenrir

    Delete this :P

    It doesn't matter. Tiggar will never shut up and quite frankly, I'm getting extraordinarily sick of his constant need to start shit. Let me highlight that Tiggar is a cowardly little pansy who gets off on this crap. Make of that what you will, Tiggar, you pansy.
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