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Everything posted by Злюкмм

  1. Нет видео, вам нужно видео, чтобы быть конкретным доказательством. Malbe good warrior, this flurryrage, shamlight told me he is the wintrader.. maybe he = raou? xaxaxaxa
  2. Name of the violator(s): Magextwo / Eddytwo Reason: Abusing PvE trinket that is bugged in arenas, doing 70% heal each dmg you do. Realm: Fun Proofs: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=182589&p=1110948#post1110948 http://imgur.com/a/OX4V8
  3. prob they are getting banned people out of titles list and fixing few x1 wintraders problems.
  4. When he says, he never played versus you, and never played MLD with two guys in same team (Funka and baaz) http://i.imgur.com/zBHhIFK.jpg That time when you got the printscreen of last season that you eating his MLD (Funka baaz and him) http://i.imgur.com/C8AH9cj.jpg
  5. Nick:Perzita Realm: Fun - Cross Reason: Abusing shards on dalaran Swears Proofs: http://i.imgur.com/bt2ANwe.jpg http://i.imgur.com/gahB8wG.jpg Comments. Please, do a script that when arena starts, remove the shards of "Faster start" Thanks.
  6. Dude, it seems like you are nemifest, the only one here that i know "hate" this gm, please. Hes a good guy, sometimes i confuse him with licher :P, btw, if he declined, it was for a reason, all game masters when decline something they say only "DECLINED" and dont say the reason, wich could help.
  7. omg, dude, are you serious? ofc i know youre diabolique, getting mad about adlairo off toping in your posts. btw, you cant proof adlairotwo is him, i can make a new account called "imdiaboliquegay" and say im diabolique : ) gl with your useless thread
  8. you need quote to this?
  9. we need a off topic area, cuz general discussion we get no discussion * COF COF * forum mods get mad about argues
  10. @up its disgusting playing games at high mmr winning about+3 and loosing 20 : )
  11. Should that interest any1?
  12. If players can understand this thread in english, why wouldn't them understand the english stream commentary? Ima post my team soon 4fun, waiting a friend's answer
  13. Dks need rotation here? I used to think it was gargoyle > coil > silence > necrotic > soul reaper, then gg
  14. Invalid report, to prove it you need timestamp and name colors of classes to prevent from chat addons : ) and it makes you a toxic player, reporting for shit reasons.
  15. I think its not 4real, since ive played 3s as.rsham, hstream totems healed myself and both partners + pet.. idk, maybe he can swap healing to targets who needs heal and not a healing missing
  16. If tourny next week i can join wmd and beastcleave
  17. Actually, all 3s teams as you can see, gonna get a warrior. Thanks i will pass too, i prefer the Math event :3
  18. There is no KFC? Thug? RMD? jesus... when i go to others servers i see like 50% good players from pandawow playing there.. now i know why. "Unbalanced" This word doesnt exists in Advsw
  19. Name of the violator: [Russian name here: http://prntscr.com/9npepl ] Realm: Fun Reason: Hunter using pet with demo's lock hability. Proof: http://prntscr.com/9npe0f Comment: Its the second hunter i see doing this, he got this hability binded, all game using it. so its a abuse, i hope really a good punishment.
  20. Bord, and a lot of russian warriors more in 3s queueing Double war / healer are using kickbot tunneling healer : )
  21. Злюкмм


    Pojke love is not him, and yes, minpojkexz is him, im playing with he at horde, hes low, really low gear atm, 470k hp with HoTW why posting this thinking youre good beating a 520 ilvl player? Pfffff
  22. Ty, you know the private's server utility, "fun", idk why those guys are mad with this sham. Please lets just play guys and let pandawow eating our money hidden of our mind.
  23. Yea, not only difuse magic, that reflection gem, when dots are reflected, crits are insane, like 600 to 100k in 1 dispel, Thanks for bug report men +1
  24. hm, its better use Cheat engine, but only in acceptable cases, you cant tmog a bow, to weapon or inverse, it can give you ban, try this video here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzJpGCTZQSY
  25. Your interface gives me the question, how can you be + than 2.5? A: Pandawow warriors just faceroll. [ps. like me as warlock]
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