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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. @Need2buttonfurymacro, do you still have my warrior Кровостокх? ?
  2. ....................... # Like how about stop impersonating me and confusing people? to you pujo
  3. 1. coggman 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=73888 3. 2.16 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=216741 5. Maiii waii u do this P.S I got you before you even needed to comment something I am a ninja vs you pujo.
  4. It's not useless though it actually has a meaning unlike you & your dog posts.
  5. Bump for the beech jk f that
  6. Some guild achievements if not all are completely not working, if you find a bug that is related to achievements report it here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=199
  7. I em kid maaii I em deported pujo deported me twice
  8. "I do 25 hm mi pro mi so gud we hev bug hcwf gear but no pull 200k dps /giggle" :mocking:
  9. lol :D I have to laugh at this. Excuse me :mocking:
  10. 1. coogman 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=73883 3. 2.16 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=216684&page=3 5. stop impersonating me peasant.
  11. You think everything evolves around PVP here? so deluded to think that if you do.
  12. 1. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Greater_Invisibility 2. The second part of the tooltip ( Lasts for 3 seconds after the effect expires) lasts for 6-7 seconds. 3. The effect should only last for 3 seconds upon expiring. 4. 22/04/2017 5. X100/XFUN 6. 6/10 ( thats what? 14 seconds you get 90% dmg reduc if used in conjunction with alter time + in PVE it's way to overpowered.) If you need proof, ask below and I will provide.
  13. 1. cogmannn 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=73874 3. 2.16 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=216684&page=2 5. :(
  14. I think you need to use your "brain".What repitchx was saying are just suggestions, better read it carefully rather than immediately try and trash talk don't be a salty DK 2.0 please....
  15. You will have to repair your character via the website mate > http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/repair.html
  16. Your attempt to try and "mock" somebody is as intelligent as a 6 year old, like do you really think what ever you say bothers him? And the fact that you have to type it in russian so he cant "understand" what you're saying just goes to prove how big you really are, jk you're a small child. Your brain must be soo undeveloped.... like what ever you say does not matter because we all know you're a win trader & a PQR using little child who is soo bad that has to resort to cheats P.S Nice 190k dps in 575 ilvl. Such a joke of a kid. - - - Updated - - -
  17. 1. Potatoes 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=73854 3. 2.16 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167693 5. Stop okay? you're not wanted.
  18. No........... I wont explain anything to you when your English is that bad, like you don't understand anything...... Calculations? where on earth has anyone calculated anything in this thread? No one based anything of anything? Oh maaaaaiiii Why would they waste their time implementing stuff on x100 when hardly anyone is going to use it? Like they could be doing way more important stuff thats going to improve x100 server like hmm fix PVE bug reports? after all X100 is legit a PVE server.
  19. No I tested it with cloth gear, and seen retail video's armor doesnt matter, here check for yourself 2:45 on wards 3:15 on wards "THIS ABILITY IS PHYSICAL DAMAGE SO IT IS NOT NEGATED BY YOUR ARMOR, BECAUSE IT DOES 100% OF YOUR MAX HP AFTER ARMOR" And to your statement yes you need priest shields I doubt defensives will save you as it is 100% of your MAXIMUM HP. I don't mean to be rude but could you maybe only comment true factors because it confuses the devs i'm sure. Updated the thread with another issue.
  20. kys nerd
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