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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=216146 Beat you to it ;)
  2. 1. Exorcus 2. Emote / chat spamming/flooding 3. X100 4. http://imgur.com/a/nfO9x 5. fucking autistic spanner.
  3. BYE !!!
  4. Cogman

    Glyph of ice block

    How do you mean? you know that if you get auto attacked or damaged whilst the invisibility buff is active or even if its on like 2 seconds till it actually puts you in invis then invis wont trigger & gets canceled? Excuse me if I am wrong but I did not understand what your sentence meant.
  5. 1. http://wow.gamepedia.com/Glyph_of_Ice_Block 2. When you cancel your Ice Block manually or you let the duration of your ice block ( 10 seconds ) fade off the Ice Nova part hits players through LOS etc. 3. It should not hit players through walls & pillars & and should not be ignoring LOS 4. 16/04/2017 5. X100/XFun 6. 6/10 Proof: http://imgur.com/a/E3zPo First screenshot: Normal Ice Nova- did not hit my enemy Second screenshot: Frost nova from the glyph - Hit my enemy through LOS P.S The reason why the timer is so far apart cause I had to open imgur and post the screenshot then get a SS of the glyph of ice block frost nova cause i am lazy and dont want to go through 3000 screenshots cause i'm unorganized ^_^ I would like to say this happens in Cross too I did not get video proof however I was in dalaran arena and used it and hit my enemy behind the box meaning he couldn't disengage away so RIP him.
  6. Cogman

    Clash with dummys.

  7. Cogman

    Kor kron Treasure

    Then explain my screenshot? and explain numerous amounts of reports that you only get legs say its fixed and closed xD
  8. Links to what? that combustion should do as the tooltip says?
  9. I'm online! ;)
  10. didnt read.... get a life fucking abusing kid
  11. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=31144/training-dummy / http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=31146/raiders-training-dummy 2. Monks are using the spell clash on these in shrine of the seven stars it's the same for Shrine of the two moons and moving the dummys elsewhere away from shrine or in the middle of shrine and inside shrine. 3. They should be immune to Clash. 4. 15/04/2017 5. X100/Fun 6. 1/10 It's not a boss Heisen it's just a minor annoying bug and seems as you fixed clash with bosses this should be easy enough.
  12. So we don't get an ETA of the website, we could be waiting another month, week, or several months? :(
  13. Cogman

    Warforged Seals

    1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=33134/warforged-seals / http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=33133/warforged-seals 2. The quest resets at Sunday 22:00 PM SVT 3. The quest should be resetting at Wednesday when resets happen. 4. 15/04/2017 5. X100 6. 2/10
  14. Yes please, so many abusers have abused for achievements but I tell you one thing everytime I mention this so Zeox he avoids the question doesnt reply to it yet replies to my other questions.
  15. You naughty boy.
  16. You're thirsty boyyy
  17. I never played vanilla tbh but for you guys that did and put up with these damn ass silences you have balls xDD - - - Updated - - - This was when the website should have been made.....
  18. http://imgur.com/a/lVDZR Those days when Arcane Barrage would hit every single target and wouldnt stop bouncing, instead of hitting just 4 targets Oh and don't forget those 50 second silences xDDD
  19. Ignore him, he doesn't know what the "rules" are lmao he is just a typical wanna be.
  20. Well cuntharry your a wizard
  21. lol quit linking useless links to bug tracker??? lmao just stop......... The report is valid no video is needed just shut the fuck up.....
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