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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. yeah... hi hi
  2. LOL you do realize this "pet buff" gives NO DAMAGE INCREASE, it only increases its Health I will tell my guild member to change the pet because it triggers people like you. This pet would NEVER die regardless if he had the buff or not because of a glyph, and good healers, you can now close this report because the pet has been deleted and has tamed a new version of the pet, it no longer has the buff. http://imgur.com/a/291ef He has a new pet the buff that does no damage increase is gone, cya. Precise he only obtained that buff by accident when we was boosting Ra Den.
  3. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145065/touch-of-yshaarj 2. After you destroy the Mind Controlled player the player who had received the mind control keeps http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=134732/battle-fatigue for 5-10 seconds after. 3. After defeating the Mind Controlled player, the player should NOT receive http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=134732/battle-fatigue at all, it should only be kept on the player whilst he is under the effect of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145065/touch-of-yshaarj 4. 28/03/2017 5. X100 6. 3/10
  4. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108978/alter-time 2. When you get teleport away whilst you're under the effect of "Alter Time" it will alter you back to your last position when you had used alter time. 3. If you go to far away from your alter timed position then it will not alter you back, it will just negate the effect and you should not get teleported back. 4. 28/03/2017 5. Both 6. 6/10 ( PVE purposes only ) Reasoning: http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71865/garrosh-hellscream#encounter ( Intermission the realm of y'sharrj ) If you alterr time and then you get teleported, then the alter time will drag you back and you will not get teleported. This is hard not to alter time when DBM stops working.
  5. I em pro dawg lol I played like this for 7 years thats how lol
  6. Now this is good! I hope this player gets his punishment and all the players that are in the group except from you because you are a good player! You have more respect than those idiots LigraiN
  7. This is under the section "Report forum user" move it to report a player section bro.
  8. http://imgur.com/a/ZDS1H I challenge Hiluxa the big wanker to a dps challenge @ Horridon ^_^
  9. No he didnt he added more proof that you're a bug abusing guild good one... I already told you to stop trying to justify your reasons because we do not care thew whole server knows that you & your guild are full of bug abusing pricks
  10. Cogman


  11. I know right if you actually learnt English I would not have to use this now stfu you swine What have google translator and you got in common THEY'RE BOTH PIECES OF SHIT
  12. Mate his breath stinks cause of all that shit he talks let him talk some more shit it actually satisfies me
  13. My name is Hiluha and I dont bug abuse I dont need to record. BULLSHIT YER PRICK HEAD - - - Updated - - - Oh hey look at this http://imgur.com/a/Z1oYI NO ONE LIKES YOUR SHIT GUILD MATE
  14. Yes ban the whole fucking guild every single one of them is a scummy swine.
  15. Good at least you do not play with this pile of shit guild.
  16. What a load of bullshit more like we're ligrain and "we're so shit we cannot do anything legit we have to bug abuse" - - - Updated - - -
  17. Talk some English instead of trying to "mask" your language thinking I cant understand wys. You're the fucking deluded hamburger I am not going anywhere prick when you start to do shit legitimately then I will fuck off but we both know that is not gonna happen so I will stay where I want and my slut gives good sex so no thank you, unlike you, you piece of virgin shit.
  18. Cogman


    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=214347 Go fuck yourself Hiluxa.
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