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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. Cogman


    Hiluxa the crit stacking arcane mage #Doesntknowshit pmsl
  2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=210941&highlight=Ligrain http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=212390&highlight=ligrain
  3. And the max ban you get is unlimited with the amount of bugs you abuse.
  4. Ahh right I am a night elf in the SS so I think this race has got it as well.
  5. Ive no clue I just logged in one day and I started receiving arcane missile procs for no reason I will show you SS'S of my spellbook.
  6. Okay I get that part but guilds have been killing this in 25 HM at least 1 I know that is legit so it cannot be a 10/10 just chill ^_^ And like I said for this type of bug you will need video proof E.G. Boss on focus damage an add and tell by then but it will be kind of tricky to tell as some players may still be on the boss.
  7. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5143/arcane-missiles 2. I am gaining arcane missiles procs as a Fire mage ( It is irritating because I cannot see my hot streaks properly ) 3. Should not obtain this buff without being in the arcane spec 4. 23/03/2017 5. X100/Fun 6. 1/10 Just irritating http://imgur.com/a/4Fs5J
  8. "Altitude" B ;)
  9. 1. Rekterfury, Caleskaige, Fker, ZØnexx, Wacu, Burstmen, 2 russians I cannot spell their name ( you will see them in the video ) 2. X100 3. Bug Abusing priests spell "Spectral Guise" to leave combat and ress players without using CR'S 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BByo_F948Mc Just incase they make the video private I will give you screenshots as well as the video. http://imgur.com/a/zaH3j 1:19 - The russian war has just been resurrected as you can see from the DK "Raise Ally" symbol 3:33 - The Player "Wacu" Has been resurrected you can also see the priest casting "Resurrection" in the bottom left. 3:40 - The Player "Wacu" has successfully been resurrected and the priest is now resurrecting the player "Zonexx" 3:44 - Both players have been resurrected when in 10 mans the number of CR'S you can have is broken and is only "1" but for some reason they managed to resurrect players 3 times in 1 fight. They're bug abusing HEROIC SoO because they obviously cannot kill it legitimately.
  10. Bro stop labeling bugs with stupid amounts of priority it is killable even on 10 or 25M you just need good players not 530ilvl players who have not even cleared TOT This is probably 3-4/10 & im 50% sure that this works you'll have to provide a video though to show. Thats if you dont relog or mass ress bug abuse.
  11. 1. Specialy / Sindelx 2. X100 3. Spamming emotes 4. http://imgur.com/a/RsKeC
  12. 1. Feniaxx 2. X100 3. Insulting players for no reason 4. http://imgur.com/a/DkiBb
  13. And you = PQRbadplayer
  14. Yet I get muted for it on a daily basis. Hmmmmmm pmsl
  15. I could say the same about you making hundreads of accounts per day. You're a hypocrite
  16. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=213872 ;)
  17. If any has watched this video We are recruiting healers! Resto Shaman or Resto Druid.
  18. If any has watched this video We are recruiting healers! Resto Shaman or Resto Druid.
  19. 1. Wristsocold 2. X100 3. Insults/Bad language 4. http://imgur.com/a/N5qhP 5. Y u hef to b mad bro #Cya Ahmed
  20. Still not banned ;) wys
  21. Thanks check the other post again.
  22. Someones a bit salty, this was not even aimed at you why does it concern you? I'll insult him too Pujo you're a stupid inbred taco report me to kiddoo
  23. Its ratboi in the last video and wtf is his phone :D
  24. Right? so you click delete character in the bottom right and type "Delete".
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