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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. Fucking LigraiN piece of shits I swear cant do nothing legitimately
  2. 1. I am not your son 2. It is the equivalent whether or not it is a bug or not a bug both have the same concept in the end you're still getting "free" stuff whether its rating or items. 3. Who said this was an argument I am stating a point in regards to your comment.
  3. Cogman

    Zul'Gurub spell.

    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=214212 Already been reported.
  4. And PVP is different because?
  5. Cogman


  6. Yes I am sure, you've got to be such a simple minded person to do this. And precise why the fock would you want to INTENTIONALLY bug abuse anyway? Are you that shit you cannot down a few heroic bosses? get the fock outta here if it is the case.
  7. Cogman

    Stormlash Totem

  8. So how comes you never reported them before hand if you have seen them "several times" ?
  9. Cogman


    Bro I would be! and others would be too I think making a video is a good idea! then it would prove people that you do not bug abuse. And proves that you're a good player and clear HC content legitimately
  10. Wonderd why that guild had so much gear hmmmmm.
  11. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102296/rooks-unlucky-talisman 2. Does not reduce your AOE damage TAKEN by 33% . Infact does not decrease the AOE damage you take at all. 3. It should reduce the AOE damage you take from CREATURES by 33% 4. 28/03/2017 5. X100 6. 6/10 Screenshot proof: http://imgur.com/a/NjXNB First Screenshot: 14,726 damage with no trinket up. Second Screenshot: 14,726 damage with the trinket up. 2:45 on wards you see he uses the trinket to reduce the AOE damage taken from Garrosh by 33%
  12. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71979/korkron-warbringer / http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71983/farseer-wolf-rider 2. They're immune to the Death Knights spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108199/gorefiends-grasp 3. They should not be immune to http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108199/gorefiends-grasp and should be able to pull them into the Death Knights position 4. 28/03/2017 5. x100 6. 4/10 Video Proof: Watch from 0:10 - 0:20
  13. 1. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery:_Blood_Shield http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=142906/ancient-miasma & http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Vengeance_(death_knight) 2. When you're shielded with your mastery blood shield it does not reset your vengeance to 20 seconds and acts as if you took 0 damage. Whilst against malkorok Ancient Miasma does not add to your vengeance. 3. If you have "300k vengeance" and that runs out in "4" seconds", if you have Blood shield on yourself and that absorbs lets say "700k damage" and you're taking damage your vengeance should reset back up to 20 seconds and stay at "300k" untill you start to take damage when the absorb effect has ran out. Whilst under the effect of Ancient Miasma the damage should be applying 1.5% of that damage to the tanks vengeance meaning he can keep vengeance up for the whole fight. 4. 28/03/2017 5. X100 6. 8/10 Making DK tanks not viable for PVE anymore. Video Proof: Watch from the beginning on wards you see his vengeance in the bottom left the GREEN BAR ( The purple bar is his other tanks partners vengeance dont look at that figure)
  14. 1. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Purgatory & http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Qian-Ying,_Fortitude_of_Niuzao 2. Purgatory procs first meaning your cloak is useless as a death knight and then die if no healing is absorbed. 3. Your cloak proc should proc first and then if another attack brings you to death it is at this point purgatory should be proccing. 4. 28/03/2017 5. Both ( Mainly x100 as this is PVE purposes only ) 6. 7/10 ( Makes DK tanks not viable that much ) Videos from retail : Watch from 3:45 on wards and you will see what buff procs first http://imgur.com/a/agaVi
  15. I do not have to it is General Discussion.
  16. haaha ha h a aha a........ yes LOL
  17. You dont understand the meaning of gamebreaking untill you have seen this. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=214212
  18. lol no mate check if you were auto banned but I am sure you're unbanned. Saw you online ^_^
  19. Nothing below 2,000 I am guessing the warrior is worth a lot
  20. I would like it if you could hire your own translator google is a piece of shit just like you're abusing this. - - - Updated - - - Yeah na the buff should dissapear upon leaving the instance. I did say this in the report that it should not be able to be taken out of the instance
  21. Can you tell me what this word means please?
  22. Lol do you really need a guide for combat rogue? xD its like blade flurry and deadly poison does all the work but "good guide" xD? I did not understand anything!
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