They`ll either publish what they have added or you can keep checking now and then on the website or you can try get the replicas of them via the dungeon or the quest and dont be so lazy lol ;)
As the title says buying a BM/MW monk must have good tmogs i do pref CM set but it isnt a must, post the characters armory and price in the comments if you have one you want to sell.
I wouldnt even start on this yet, 4 bosses still dont have loot and 3 bosses do not even work properly on normal mode, not to mention the other bosses that have been out for 4 + months and still have parts not working. :(
Mirror images puts me in combat I am not sure about party members + attacks any target that I click on, when it should only attack the target that I cast a spell on. If you take a look at an old video
if you look at 0:00-0:010 you can see when the pull timer is at 4 he has the (enemy target) targeted and his images stay by his side untill he attacks the target. Let me get a video on pandawow in a min.