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Funk シ

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Posts posted by Funk シ

  1. Fix this please ... makes dk unplayable in arena atm




    btw is that screenshot a troll or is that a legit screen from ur interface ? Just a question


    It's not troll , last game i played vs some mage team at 4% damp , and when the other arena started my pet had that dampening and this is the first screenshot with the dampening https://gyazo.com/44fab01115415623e5406c7b29a1b7f4


    - - - Updated - - -


    9/10? lul and you don't have any proff?


    i think i said i can't record


    well i tried with another fraps , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLC5JjN2Wys&feature=youtu.be here we go

  2. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=221699/blood-tap


    Issue : Sometimes in arena you press it and it sais " you cant use the spell" when i literaly have stack 12 or anything , idk if only happend to me


    How it should work : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=221699/blood-tap should let you use having +5 stacks , but it bug and sometimes you cant use the spell


    Proof : I can't record in arena for graphic problems , sorry, just test it


    Sorry for the quality as i said my pc its bad & etc here the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLC5JjN2Wys&feature=youtu.be


    Priority : 9/10 , blood tap get fixed but new bug came



    Second report


    Spell name : It's not a spell , it's pet dk


    Issue : When you join arena and summon your pet your pet have dampening from the last arena


    How it should work : pet should have 0 damp at start lol


    Proof : https://gyazo.com/794bb57ebe4a81f7fb8bbaf928f63a71 , atenuacion = dampening


    Priority : 8/10 , its harder to heal the pet with dampening

  3. today i 2-0 funk's tsg as ELe/ dk / rdru

    Seems even more broken [ATTACH=CONFIG]115858[/ATTACH]


    what about i dont play like 20 days , playing with 480p quality and 19 fps? i think you won't forget the 4-0 or something

  4. Can you do something else than crying ? Like post a proof or smth that runic corruption % is bugged ? No i don't think so. Btw there will come futher fixes for runic corruption since only 1 port got fixed now.


    inb4 u asking for proofs, check the wowcircle links i posted like 10 times



    You are who is crying about dk and talking retail exp in a private server :/

    And again your comment is beyond trash. You didnt understand 1 word from the report nor you have a clue how runic corruption is bugged. IF you would have a clue about the bug, you would know that RC is like blood tap x3 atm. Again you proofed it that you have no idea about your own class.


    And no, if bloodtap is fixed we only have to fix small issues like resillience etc. And ppl like you actually need a brain to get ratin


    End of the story




    Well repitch said it all i guess ? Be quiet TSG hero, you lost any right to speak ;)


    Also i said 2.5k in every bracket but i can understand that for a pandawow challanger its 2 hard to understand.


    Runic corruption is not fixed fully yet lol ... only the procc chance (look @wowcircle)

    So the important bugs are still there. To not only talk about RC lets talk about deathcoil +lichborn heal which is bugged erc. Lets just wait ;)


    We will see how takaa gonna drop & reroll again when his class is fixed. Until then i see no reason to siscuss with someone who obviously think hes good while hes not :fool:


    And again i only see dks crying here who cant even realise how broken op their class is atm. And no, your XP is just from a PRIVATE SERVER you guys have no idea how dks were in s15 so no, that wont qualifie you in any way. You just try to defend because you cant play on highrating with it due ur lack of skill.


    Yes dk is broken and yes dk is op and thats a FACT, if you dont realise it ur a dk thats it. I play long enough here and ur the same pleague than survival hunters back in time so dont even try to argue with ppl like me or (since im bad lel) with people like autsch, deepoxy, baz, bestworld or other people who actually played on decent / highrating on retail. Because yes, they are qualified and they also complain about DK. The only difference between you and them is that we got a clue how it was on retail. Simple as that, disgusting DK pleague on this server lmao

  5. She's who hacked me... I'm still waiting for gm's answer even tho i provided streams with the char, pics, IP of the hacker...



    And if you ask how do i know it was she, here's my answer: Took the IP, went to an IP finder, found out it's a IP located at California, ik she's from Cali, used an Skype Resolver, got her IP and it matched with the one it was on my account as last log in, they were both the same...


    Bought the ret back.

    If I'm not getting the bonuses that were spent on my account refunded there's nothing more I need.

    I guess you can close the thread because people just act smartass here repeating the same thing over and over again even tho that wasn't the case :)



    Just change email,email password, pandawow pasaword & have always 200 bonuses if some1 hack you /scam/etc for transfer inmediatly to other account and gz for ur char

    • Like 1
  6. Takaa didnt you notice that everyone here already shit on you ? You and pujo + funk are the only 1 saying that dk is not op and guess what, u all r playing DK, so weird hm ?


    Get the fact that ur not good but i bet you hear that often enough


    Every class deff his class , nobody can cry abour other clases when they dont know how to play them or how class work,

    And played ptr mean nothing with dks, and about lichborne and etc you need to know how to heal lol

    Sorry for my spanglish

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