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Funk シ

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Posts posted by Funk シ

  1. This is just some fun pvp statistics I dug up somewhere in archive, idk anymore. Some like the 1st one might be exhaggerated, or incorrect, but they are correct for the most part.


    Most powerful Spec in Arena:


    Based off class mechanics, the amount of damage output, both sustain and burst damage, the complexity and diversity of the spec. These statistics show you the most powerful arena class spec.




    1: Arms Warrior

    2: Frost Mage

    3: Affliction Warlock

    4: Elemental Shaman

    5: Windwalker Monk

    6: Survival Hunter

    7: Balance Druid

    8: Marksmanship Hunter

    9: Unholy DK

    10: Feral Druid

    11: Subtletly Rogue

    12: Enhancement Shaman

    13: Retribution Paladin

    14: Destruction Lock

    15: Fire Mage

    16: Shadow Priest

    17: Combat Rogue

    18: Demonology Warlock

    19: Arcane Mage

    20: Frost DK

    21: Fury Warrior

    22: Assassanation Rogue




    Top 10 DPS spec.


    These statistics are here to show you the highest damage output a class spec can do in arena. The dps numbers were made aproximate, but not shown here because there's simply too many we had to go with before getting an aproximate result.



    1: Affliction Warlock

    2: Unholy Death Knight.

    3: Balance Druid

    4: Shadow Priest

    5: Arms Warrior

    6: Survival Hunter

    7: Frost Mage

    8: Marksmanship Hunter

    9: Windwalker Monk

    10: Elemental Shaman



    Top 5 2v2 Double DPS Comps:

    Shows you some of the top 2v2 arena double dps comps. It is circled around class' survivability and their damage in 1 match. Hence, these results show you everything.




    1: Balance Druid/Affliction Warlock

    2: Frost Mage/Subtlety Rogue

    3: Retribution Paladin/Survival Hunter

    4: Balance Druid/Subtlety Rogue

    5: Feral Druid/Destruction Warlock



    Top 5 3v3 Comps:


    This list was voted by people and the numbers showed which comp is the best. The fact that in 5 of these, there is a druid just shows how unbalanced druids are.




    1: LSD = Affliction Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Restoration Druid

    2: Godcomp = Shadow Priest, Frost Mage, Restoration Druid

    3: LSD2 = Balance Druid, Affliction Warlock, Restoration Shaman

    4: Jungle Cleave = Feral Druid, Survival Hunter, Holy Priest

    5: RMD = Subtlety Rogue, Frost Mage, Restoration Druid



    Top 10 Dueling Specs:


    This list was compiled based on the top 10 most powerful dueling specs. The requirement for a spec to reach spot 1 was for the class to have least amount of counters. Keep in mind, the classes that lose 1 duel without LoS and win next one with it are not considered counters. The counters are classes that unconditionally beat other classes regardless of how they play. The results will show you how it is.


    P.S: The fact that all 3 warlock specs were here shows you how op warlocks were in this expansion.




    1: Demonology Warlock

    2: Feral Druid

    3: Destruction Warlock

    4: Frost Mage

    5: Fire Mage

    6: Unholy Death Knight

    7: Balance Druid

    8: Affliction Warlock

    9: Windwalker Monk

    10: Retribution Paladin



    Top 3 best healers in arena:


    Completely based on the season finale fotm percentages. The healing spec with most played percentage shows you which is the best.




    1: Restoration Shaman

    2: Restoration Druid

    3: Holy Priest



    If you did see these statistics, feel free to post comment or an opinion. The results on any one of these survey's isn't 100% accurate, but is correct for the most part. If you disagree with 1 part, feel free to say. :)


    where is tsg

  2. Spell : When you die and you go near your dead body and press Acept


    Issue : a lot of times it dont work and you need to press it like 100 times


    How it should work: Its bug , press 1 = ress


    8/10 very annoying for world pvp players

  3. Yeah, I've realized what bug she's using and manipulated it on tests, it's literally pathetic cuz none tends to "fix" it ;)


    You realized but... you know it's fake? He dont have any bug of bonuses, he is saying that to scam people, ik it, he already try to scam in game for selling chats with "gladiator" tittle( ofc they dont have it) he is just a scammer and when you ask him for proofs he change theme or just log off/block/insult + he say "add this in skype and ask "her" for proofs)


    And ye maybe that bug exist as u said u know it but he dont know how to

  4. Next lvl of pandawow it's streaming with scripts and wpe.

    Федямортал (1st scripter of pandawow) everyone heard about autorotation and lua scripts from him some years ago. So now even at 1.5k warriors with auto rotation.

    But this is next lvl of retards because scripts not enough need to play with monk who abuse scripts for heal orb..

    Liquidcityx 5 orbs per second so opie op nice script retard.






    braindead kids.

    no skill only flame...


    - - - Добавлено - - -


    Let's fight begin.




    Im diabolique , pls trust me i dont wintraded,well..


    are u kidding? :)

    i had 7 hunters with 2.7k as bm/survival/mm.

    i got rival as twink survival but dont even try hard there.

    now i have only 2 hunters because tired see warriors with auto rotation and mw monk who just spamm heal orb via script.

    others just sold (i am rich hahaha 8k bonuses :D )

    i can get glad rank in any season because it's easy.

    btw glad rank here mean nothing (everyone already got it who rly need it - even bad players).


    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167352 yep 2700 with 7 hunters xD


    but i got 2.9k without wintrade check screenshots

    keep flame noob.


    u never had 2900 with out wintrade , oh maybe max 2800 as bm when bite was doing 90k , afther fix i drop to 2400 lol poor of you

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