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Funk シ

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Posts posted by Funk シ


    F1, F2, F3 --- Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3 --- Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3 --- Shift+F1, Shift+F2, Shift+F3 --- Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2, Ctrl+F3 ??? He's probably just not so good at actually hitting keybinds, there's always enough space for keybinds.


    - - - Updated - - -




    If you click spells you're a noob and people hate on you (Eldkpujo), but if you click frames you're just like everyone else, you just don't have "have enough keybinds"...what a joke.


    why ? if people click spells he need to be hated & noob?

  1. fucking piece of butthurted shit. You loose against me in every comp and always create some post with abusing ... http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=174473&p=1085664&viewfull=1#post1085664. Check it even with extra 5% strength you cant kill me. Dont say anything about abusing anymore pls. And btw i didnt abuse cuz you were possible to attack it anyway even in that place. its just visual bug you fucktard.


    1- i was with not good druid, 0 clones , 2- you're absuing lol if you didnt abuse why you get baned?xD

  2. i can't fear through AMS either tho lol

    there is a lil bit of delay on spells like that tho, for an example if you use Spell Reflect about 0.1 sec before you get cloned / sheeped it still goes through (which is not lag, i play with 5 ms and i get that on my alt warrior), so basically you get cc'd when you still have reflect up.


    nah he did it 4x times vs me , but i didnt screenshoted them

  3. This isn't a bug, this is just what the CCDelay mechanic is. It makes people capable of mutually CCing each other at the same time, or in that case, AMS getting cast at the same time as you get feared, thus having you feared in AMS.


    And if you don't believe me, just google "CC Delay". You'll see.


    i use antimagic shell , then he fear me, what are you talking about?

  4. Name: Soulswapjk


    Realm: Pandawow Fun


    Reason: He put his pet inside of pilar and pet is doing silences inside of pilar, nobody can reach the pet to kill him or something .



    Proof: http://imgur.com/a/u15bz


    More proofs : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=177321











    Juster get up please

  5. Something going wrong again and dk broken.

    Crazy dmg, always have death runes for necro (can stack necro 600-700k is legit?).

    It's funny when dk spamm 11-12 necrot strikes and 9-10 death coils (oh and ice chain also so u can not move),

    2 weeks ago this dmg was ok, but atm so broken.

    Fix plz.


    1- 12 necro strikes yea, proof it, 10 death coils, yea proof it , wtf lol ice chain you cant move? for how much secs?0.5?

    2- You're playing Bm hunter pls

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