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Funk シ

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Posts posted by Funk シ

  1. Spell name : "Move pet"


    Description of the problem : In arenas as warlock, hunt or any class wich it have pet and you can move it it's bug, with this i mean you can send pet where you want and nobody can't reach him, its also buged.

    And as i can see it's already bug -> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157081&highlight=propeloljk he got banned for move pet in the top of pillar


    Proof : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPLSTOkDdZc&feature=youtu.be ( sorry for bad quality) in some hours / mins will be 720hd



    Priority: 10/10 , how can a rogue reach that pet? or a pala or a warr , you can put the pet where you want and nobody can kill him , you can use the pet spells too



    Realm: x1 x100 xFun


    "Tested" : 14/04/2016


    Sorry for my english.

  2. Played arena yesterday with my paly and I didn't notice something..The best thing you can do is to delete cache and fix char from website


    tried everything

  3. This 1-2 weeks when i played with my holy pal, i did 2s with every class except dk, 1 week ago i were doing Dk-Holy pal and i felt i heal literaly 0 crit with dk's , how can i proof it with out recording things? it happens in arenas only :/

    So with this i mean i heal very low( low crit) with dk's in 2c2 / 3c3

  4. Nah, sry.


    - - - Updated - - -


    It's as easy as any:


    Healer+Hunter+melee comp.

    Mage+Rdruid+random comp.

    Dk+Healer+random comp

    Rdruid+Ele+random comp

    Rogue+Ranged+Healer comp



    Goes for any class


    where you gone dion :c

  5. progod?You mean the guy whose account Raou played on to get to 2.6?


    No, i meant the guy who thinks that hes the best feral just bcuz he beats everyone in 1v1 duel AS FERAL and trust me its not that hard ;) feral is r1 class for 1v1


    no no xd

  6. ponen un 0/10 - 10/10 a la canción anterior y luego postean una nueva para ke otro la puntue y ponga luego otra, para ke otro la puntue, nose ke haces tu xd



    "General spanish section"


    putta , puntue tu cansion de mierda pero se me olvido meter la miah y la metí ahora por tu ano

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