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Funk シ

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Posts posted by Funk シ

  1. Name: Erold

    Realm: Fun

    Reason: Abusing negative values/scripting i think.

    Proof: http://imgur.com/a/2lJK4 Game in spanish >Game in english http://imgur.com/GLQR6P2

    Coment: This guy is abusing/scripting negative values, i don't know how it work but peopel said Absolutezero did that, he is reforging -spirit from dodge wtf, it's a bug.

    As http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=155443&highlight=negative+values uruganu said,how it work.

    As uruganu said he is using useless reforge like spirit.

    • Like 1
  2. do you read my msg? :) it's funny when someone saying always and lost too much. :facepalm:

    i will not posting screnshots anymore :) i will post video soon. have fun. :mocking:

    i am so popular here hope get at least 1k viewers on youtube.

    it's how u told that you never playing as tsg and never lose vs me... and then i post some screenshots where you are playing tsg and lose vs me.

    then u asking me to play with you about 10 times again and again. do you remember this? :)

    you are really strange guy funk.

    ok i leave this thread because anyway u will not listen my words.


    Why you never screenshot when you are going double warrior? carried by doomcryer and chiv and still get owned by tsg,when i said i never play tsg on your post it was irony,every1 know i play tsg, you got beated by my alter dk/hunt and why you never post when you lose? you pref upload 100x same screenshots?you're not famous, you are piece of crab ,never lose vs you? when i said that? Sorry Mr.Wintrader doublewarrkfcwintrader,( he is basserey x) ) u leave this thread becouse every1 know you are wintrading

    • Like 5
  3. If you don't have enought ask any1 from this game who beated you...as noneed said you always lost vs him ,also you are not "the best" Why you don't post more screenshots?x) Becouse you won't post screenshots when you wintrade

    You are not 2.7 and you won't be 2.7 in your life, hope GM's are clever and rate reset you..

    • Like 4
  4. Names: Aphaeleon & Diabolique Neikqq Zaqewq Фаптайм Equilibrum , Neikqq is not real Neik, Aphaleon and Diabolique are same person i think. I wanted add Snytras and Dornivan

    Realm: Fun (All)

    Reason: They are both wintrading , they are 6, perfect team to wintrade and get a reward when season ends.

    Proofs: http://imgur.com/3buQF3A They are 6, let me tell you something more Aphaleon and Diabolique was "low" or "less" rate in 3c3 than today,they was like 2.3 or 2.4 MAX / Neikqq http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-4-4724340.html 1 day 4 hours played... the wintrade is real(with only pridefull set) / Zaqewq http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-4-4721526.html 1 day 6 hours,wintrade still real(with only pridefull set) / Equilibrum http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-4-4721451.html 1 day 22 hours, only pridefull set... and only 3c3 games as all of them, Фаптайм well... this warr don't even have 550 gear lol,grievous set and 2.6 cr in 3s NICE! Dorivan http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-4-4967766.html 1 day played,not even full and wow 2.6 in 3s! and who is this awesome pro warr? Snytras :OOO 1 day played and http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-4-4967934.html 2.6 in 3s!! Nice dude, stop creating accounts, will be useless for you becouse you gonna get no reward and bann :) still creating more accounts with dumb characters and you will see how you will be banned from IP

    1 more thing, if you bann some1 of this set you can bann them from IP, i don't know if i have enought proofs, but it's hard to record people wintrading at 3:00 or 4:00.. it's hard to catch them but i hope you can see theyr logs and etc.

    + They up theyr rate in same day , it's strange, please GM's you can see theyr logs

    • Like 16
  5. Thanks m8, but i know what happend with bonuses , when i sold my monk the "hacker" or the guy who is playing in my acc bought pandaren warr and he deleted chars,today i was in deleted chars(it cost 1 bonus and i wanted take some liltte geared back) so i found that pandaren and it was strange cuz i never had pandaren warr, so i got it back for 1 bonus.. but i still need change pasword, and ye it's my bad of that email,got it years ago
  6. 1- Account name : Miyvarxar1

    2- Realm : Fun

    3- Currently Email tornike_chemidze@mail.ru I want to change to armen1979705@gmail.com I can't change becouse i forgot tornike_etcetcetc password so i can't log it for change email.. please help me

    4- My Ip is 95.**.***.** SORRY MY BAD OF IP

    5- http://imgur.com/iaIZdTq the IP what you see in control panel is the guy who join in my acc and stole bonuses

    6- Please i can't wait more i sold my monk today and some1 stoled my bonuses... i don't even want gear back now i just want change my email please ..

    7- If you want any proof i can give in private msg+ http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=165572

    please i can't wait 1 month for answer i need change it really fast for don't get stole again...

    8- proofs of that acc is mine http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=163971&page=2

    If want proofs of that is my acc i can give screenshots of me playing it, please i rly need fast answer http://prntscr.com/9va61r please i really need change it fast.... -_-

    • Like 4
  7. I wanted ask 1 simple thing.

    Every one from 2.2+ rating to 2.8 faced Aemos, it's a rogue wich he just do double rogue.

    He wait for damp always 100% then he win , the games gone very long and it's a lose of time.

    Imaginate , you fight 5 mins , then dampening start, to 100% dampening you waste your 10-15 minutes of your life to fight against them. For what? for lose in 100% damp

    So the point it's, this gayplays are not baneable? it's really annoying from my eye point.

    I just wanted to know if it's banable, its very annoying and boring time to waste

    • Like 2
  8. Hi, i have problem, today i buy transmog gear, but when i go fight bg i lost look transmog. Everytime when i go bg i must again assume transmog gear.

    Meybe some1 help me.


    Hey hey, don't worry, when you transmog something you just need to put the transmoged part in your bag,--> then relog and put the transmoged part in yourself again, and you won't lose your transmog gear again

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