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Funk シ

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Posts posted by Funk シ

  1. Proof or fake.




    Jk, name?


    Børz : )


    - - - Updated - - -


    why the hell does every DK que TSG here? is playing PHDK / SHDK too hard for people here?


    I played tsg/ebola cleave / scleave/smokebomb / phdk but i pref tsg becouse its more funny for me and i like+ i can't found good phdk :/

  2. Now i've seen everything HAHAHAAHAH a spanish JAJAJA girl signing up again in a 3s tournament !! BITCH you will get rekt by a random WLS like the last time


    Wake the fuck up you're not 2.7k, you got that with wintrading remember?????????





    Do you have any problem with spanish people? Yea i get rekt by random WLS? sure Dionyus Berinx( you are berinx) and Темныйберлин yea yea very random

    Pd: I never wintraded, and im 2.8 xd

  3. Maybe cuz this aint 5.4.2 ??

    Logic na?

    But it was in 5.4.8 too :)))) you donate accbound mounts in x100 and you have in all characters from x10 x100 and Fun

  4. Some months / weeks ago you can donate any donation accbound mount and you can have in all characters,but today i donated 1 accbound mount on x100 and i don't have in Fun

    Pandawow changed this ? or is another bug? please answer

  5. Update!




    Intended gameplay. Gg Pujo!


    You mad

  6. The word "mother fucker" doesn't even have anything to do with your mother, "An insult or an explitive, addressing somebody who sleeps someone's mother." also a statement by Urban Dictionary, where they explain that the word "mother fucker" isn't directly to your mother, unless they say that it's meant to your mother, then it could be anyones mother, if i should be clear enough, he could besaying that you have sex with his mother and not your own.


    But what do you want from me?i just reported and you and tide trying to defend the guy who called me mother fucker lol.

    If you saw my report to Szapoppin, you can see how he get banned for "mother fucker"

  7. "Mother fucker, word that really has no meaning, because it can be used as a compliment just as easily as i can be used as as an insult." So according to Urban Dictionary, i don't see how you can point this out to exactly be a relative insult. And when you read Urban Dictionary's sentence examples, i can't find a single one that is meant towards someones relative.


    Here we go / http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=155437&highlight=LALIKOCHO / he got banned for that "mother fucker" meaning relative

  8. Funk シ, I found that bug about 2 month ago and completely reported . The thing is not just glyph, but the spells is correct.


    But it's already a bug and i can't belive how pandawow don't fix that

  9. Spells: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=774/rejuvenation + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=18562/swiftmend

    Date tested : 20/12/2015

    Description: when you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=774/rejuvenation + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=18562/swiftmend with out any glyphs, it's making heal area,all know it,but the problem is when the enemy hit you very near and you are using http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=774/rejuvenation + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=18562/swiftmend , it got stacked , you can infinite stacks and it gone when they enemy move away or you move away , its very op bug becouse you can abuse it in arenas/bgs/duels/and in pve too(sorry for my english)

    Priority: 10/10 , it's very op bug..... and very important to fix.

    Video/screenshots : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2P7G_55VQI

    Pd: Im really sorry for my bad english

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