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Funk シ

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Posts posted by Funk シ

  1. Name: Bbal

    Realm: Fun

    Reason: He got mad cuz he died

    Proof: http://imgur.com/ZwZ0aiQ

    Well, he told me Sheni dedas muteli movtyan,that's means I fuck your mum pussy,or i fuck your mum,i can't use translator becouse he writed in english keyboard,also you can't write in georgian in game cuz pwow dont let you or idk

    If you want translate here we go:

    http://imgur.com/SqqBioN I can't translate perfectly cuz of google translator suck , ask ever1 whos know georgian and they will say same as i said.


    Pd: you can ask any georgian about that and they will say same,that's relative.

    Please bann him

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    And all know you are Diabolique the hunt and Bessarey or smth like that,like in this ss you was double warr tunneling 548 ilvl mw

    and why you don't screenshot when u lose 2-3 games inarrow?xd


    he still playing WLS. even yesterday he played WLS with my friend warlock and warrior.

    Sometimes we're playing kfc together.


    U can play only WLS and double warrior.

    Funk playing TSG . I meet him about 10 times in TSG.

    You know how high my mmr... hate this system... loosing to much but getting not enough points per win.

    Even after loosing 250 rating my mmr still high.

    Ok try to play KFC if u say that easy. You will cry when meet WLS because no chance to trap enemy Shaman. Fear Fear Fear Coil Shockwave Stormbolt Charge Hex etc.

    In this meta WLS no brain... even tard like u're can get high rating. when they fix warriors and warlocks wanna see what u will do. i think u just leave server because will stay at 2.2k at guys like RMD / Turbo / Shatter will farming you.


    Funk playing tsg?what a joke dude stop lying

    I never play tsg,tsg is for noobs lol

  2. Well , someone knows your account since you have shared it with someone i assume.


    Since real hackers don't actually "Hack" On private servers ( Because it takes a lot of time to do it and they don't get profit out of it *They just waste their time* )


    I will Inform Gm's / Administrators about this.


    And you will need to give us a Valid proof that you are not trying To scam someone (If you got another players Username and PW, and now you are trying to take his account)


    +i sold Hunter and i not want any1 steal bonus :(

  3. How i can proof it?have skype?:D


    - - - Updated - - -


    How i can proof it?have skype?:D

    Thats my Ip,the ip of pic is the last conection of who hacked acc :/

    - - - Updated - - -


    I doubt that you actually got HACKED by a real hacker , since they don't do that at Private servers. "If the real hacker was involved he would have probably done it at Retail then he can sell the acc or what ever he wants to do with it"


    This looks like to me like an account sharing , or maybe you got "Fooled" / "Tricked" By someone.


    You say that your ip is 87.217 *** but on your Screen Shot the IP is different?


    Is there any way that you can prove that you are the actual owner of the Account?


    sawwww that pic :D:D:D:D:D:D,i understand now about the Ip of that picture,see?some1 know my accoun too :/.......... that Ip from Georgia and my Ip is 87.217****** the Ip from pic is from the guy who deleted my gear :/

  4. 1- Account name : Miyvarxar1

    2- Realm : Fun

    3- Currently Email tornike_chemidze@mail.ru I want to change to armen1979705@gmail.com

    4- My Ip is 87.217 ******

    5- http://imgur.com/iaIZdTq

    I really want to change becouse i forgot my last email password so i can't change, i really need my gear back... it was 548 Ilvl Human Monk >Name : Imposible, i got deleted all my gear...will be great if you can give it back 548 ilvl!!

    (I didn't deleted it,some1 hacked me ...)

  5. "because its faster to finish arenas " xDDDDD that was a good one .


    ps : noneed stop going off topic for the sake of the thread . yea its your fault.


    i don't like long arenas,let's be honest with TSG you finish so fast

  6. i play literally everything. Even with a destro lock. Funny actually that u complain about warriors while u play TSG by urself ??? #logic :(


    im not complaining nothing, 8/10 warrs abusing of thunder clap glyph, i played a lot of cleaves, i play TSG becouse is more faster to finish arenas than another cleaves :( #nologic :(

    Peace dude

  7. Pretty sure funk was only 2.4 legit max.

    anyways not a good dk, just playing TSG so who cares.

    i might sign in later



    you are right about 2.4, but why do you care me?:( i played tsg/slceave/ebola cleave and more things) and you can shut the fuck up becouse you are playing double warr with bug bleeds, i can say you got 2.4 legit and 3.1 abusing of warrs bleeds.. why you cant just ignore me or something, its very hard that? rip my english

  8. Frostshotz, Frost let me resume how a waste of life you are. FIRST of all you're a worthless Bulgarian, a motherfucking tatar like my brothers say, or a ciganin. You do lick noneeds butt as a living and pick up the rest of the food people throw in the dumbsters. Yes, that is exactly what you are. You are so ashamed of who you are, that you even changed your profile information from "Location: Bulgaria" to some bullshit. I am actually sorry for you, cuz you are condamned for life to live in your trash country with full of gypsies. I bet you have 10 brothers and all of them go to supermarkets and steal food to feed your soulless family. Vote 4 Boyko Ciganinov


    and you are mad

  9. Name of the user: Hjorshji San

    Profile: http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=58347

    Paragraph of the forum rules which has been broken by the user Insults 2.10

    Link of the message: http://imgur.com/RfzTOUC Screenshot and now the link http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=163533


    Double mad

    Name of the user: Atimihcab

    Prolife: http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=59188

    Relative insults and another random insults

    Proof: http://imgur.com/6fVeXEJ + link http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=163536

    They are same person with lot of accounts Hjorshi= Fixz=Atimhcab

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