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Funk シ

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Posts posted by Funk シ

  1. and maybe cus all wars (me 2) are running full crit spec, and on FUN cus the garrosh shoulder + blackmithing+jewelcraftng or bs+skinning....u got a lot more than the average crit (40% if im not wrong). i mean i have like 35 crit%, and im running bs+eng, soo.., then war have CS, which its more damage output, my fact, bleeds are broken, war are broken, WE ALL KNOW that, just get use to and HAVE FUN whit it, u wont fix it, i will not fix it, they will not fix it, dont argue about smth u cant make better that the 1 its already on use, even if its whit the best intention, just let it be ok.




    edit: uh dk dots scale whit mastery. not whit st or w/e, if mastery its broken.......do the math, and heck dk scale its shit even on retail, they do same damage whit older gear, they just tank a bit more but the damage its not that great whit better gear.



  2. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115768/deep-wounds


    Description of the problem: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115768/deep-wounds doing to much damage , it´s also buged , doing 28k on unholy dk in blood presence and near 40k on 550 holy pally , this spell doing more than dk dots .


    Proof: http://imgur.com/a/9eXSO http://imgur.com/xFkhuhg ( Heridas profundas= deep wounds)



    Priority: 10/10


    "Tested": 30/03/2016


    Realm: x1 x100 xFun


    This should get fixed / "nerfed" this bleeds killing alone people

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  3. Well im playing pandawow since 2014.. at 5.4.2 season and i wanted to give some ideas..




    1- Add some WoD mounts, will be great, dont you think? Some people are bored from MoP mounts.

    2- Add Elite set in xFun , also x100 had it some period

    3- In website > buy items > transmogs, create things like Warr tier 1 transmog, War tier 1 transmog(recolor) etc.. already exist items pack but they are little useless xd cuz sometimes in the packs are different color parts of transmog..xd

    4- Add 1vs1 arenas

    5- Take your deleted characters back but with some1 using same name.. take them back for 1 bonus and you can change name.


    That are my ideas, what you think?

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