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Funk シ

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Everything posted by Funk シ

  1. stop reporting him :/ nobody is winning nothing , u're wasting ur time and moderators XD pd: i dont protect anybody xd
  2. what is the problem xd see?how much toxic are u
  3. cuz u both provoking him lol
  4. You're just provoking him lol , It does not affect what he does and you only know to call him taco & shits , he's not doing anything bad , also he's reporting bugs lol stop crying like kids and do not be so toxic on the forum , you're just making drama .
  5. Funk シ


    well xD idk
  6. Funk シ


    Spell name(glyph) : Glyph of Path of Frost i can't found it in wowhead. Problem: When you use that glyph, and you are falling you can die or get damaged How it should work : with that glyph you should don't get dmg when you are falling 1/10 or 0/10 for pvp but 6-7/10 for pve
  7. dk's need more damage xd they suck atm
  8. i never abused a bug xd
  9. but dk's are nerfed, they need more dmg :/
  10. so can i have my edge of agony back?its just only 50b :/
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