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Funk シ

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Everything posted by Funk シ

  1. After the last update some of my mog does not appear when i try to mog them , what it is? and other mogs that are not leather (plate etc) appear , idk why
  2. https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=78794/blackfang-battleweave-helmet https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=78803/blackfang-battleweave-legguards https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=78467/******-blood-footpads https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=78774/blackfang-battleweave-gloves https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=78759/blackfang-battleweave-tunic Added
  3. Yes, i tried every ID , but same , no item on website, :s i hope it will be in some days :( or HOURS , or MINUTS :(
  4. Hello , i wanted to buy https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=34703/latros-dancing-blade&bonus=4080 in website with my 2nd account , got 220bonus, and the web store doesnt have it , im asking if you could give me the https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=34703/latros-dancing-blade&bonus=4080 and take away 50Gold coins from my account . Have a nice day.
  5. 1- Dalaran arena & pets 2- When a game starts in dalaran arena your pet stays up and doesnt move, you have to tell him to move, and sometimes doesnt work for me 3- pet should follow you???????????????????????? 4- 10/10 5- pls fix , no need prof cuz everybody know it
  6. Funk シ

    6th season 3v3

    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167352 xdd
  7. Funk シ


    1 - http://prntscr.com/i6pxi7 2 - When you use http://prntscr.com/i6pxi7 ( 3k mastery buff) on some one or yourself and then you alt f4 and log on , you lose the 3k mastery , it's still shows on your buffs but you don't have the mastery 3- 9/10 WPvP 4- 28/02/2018
  8. like if you guys have no proofs stop reporting him?xD
  9. maybe becouse you don't know how to damage lol
  10. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167352 + Honestly, I don't care what happened in other servers but here in pandawow we ban players with real evidences not with few random threads from another server. It just doesn't make sense to ban players here in pandawow just because they got banned in other servers. We will ban player's account only if he violated rules at pandawow, nowhere else. Reminder to oneshotx, we had similar threads & P.M's. in the past about you and other players that they were using WPE, wintrading etc. No one of you got banned because people who made the complaints had no actual proofs against you so don't you think it's unfair now to ban someone without real evidences? Pretty sure it is. Please don't post such threads because the answer will always be the same. from @jegermaister
  11. fix 1 bug = 50 more bugs
  12. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114014/shuriken-toss When you use shuriken to some one , the "pasive" doesn't work and auto attacks are not shurikens. 15/11/2017 9/10 guru life
  13. if you are that sure you wont get banned, then stop crying so cya bro you going 30 days holidays
  14. if u get offended its bcus its true , stopid virgin
  15. it's in dz he is not hurting anyone lul
  16. can you stop crying..? its getting annoyin
  18. what about if he check WTF folder and find the realmlist? it happend to me , try to add the realm if he dont have it
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