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Everything posted by Wrushek

  1. I would love to join :3
  2. yes! thats what i mean :) it would be nice rewarding players that donate the most:) - - - Updated - - - Lets hope its something funny and massive that will include many players :) cant wait for those events :) thanks bro for letting us know i really preciete it and also i got question even tho there are going to be events such as you said there will be , i will still want to see the crazy amounts for 3 top donators :) is it even possible ? - - - Updated - - - Thank you!, i hope something comes out for those people :)
  3. Hi there, i was just wondering if there is any chance we could see anonymously top 3 Donators to the server? for example Account1- xxxx amount Account2- xxx amount Account3- xxxx amount... it would be nice to see how much people support Pandawow and what if you could also show some support to them ? Like with nice reward.. im just saying because it would be nice seeing how much people can support your server. Also would love to see what other members/players thinka about this and also a msg from adminisstrator if its even possible :) cheers , Wrushek
  4. Bro , we have all seen your dueling :D and yeah its true you suck @ your class.. saying to everyone that you are 3.1k rogue but at the end of the day you are max 1.5k.. lel
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