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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. You made a double report and zillius answered in russian section before me so you already got your answer. Closed
  2. Closing thread to prevent further drama and flood.
  3. Your IP address? Please indicate all of them but for security reasons you can hide some numbers. Also, please upload your screenshots at imgur.com because resolution isn't that good.
  4. It's server side bug but if you relog and delete folder cache before you queue battleground as group seems to work.
  5. Seems to work now if you relog and delete folder cache before you queue as group.
  6. No answer was given by the author. Closed
  7. Do you realize that we can see your IP? Closed
  8. It's strictly forbidden to trade characters and you can actually get 14 days ban for such thing. As you understand we can't help you because what you did is against server rules. In the future don't trust anyone, read server rules and if you want to buy characters use our buy & sell character system. Declined
  9. Closed after request.
  10. We can't be everywhere. Therefore, report them at forums and we will punish them.
  11. This npc allows you to transmog legendary items. The npc you need to upgrade your legendary back is Voidbinder Sturzah which is located inside the same house with reforging npc, transmogrification npc etc...
  12. They have a different job from QA testers. Their job is to login live servers find bugs, report them at forums and then of course developers need to fix those bugs. You and all QA testers did pretty much the same thing in the past without payment so as you understand there is a difference between QA tester and pandawow tester. Atm there is only one pandawow tester Dcforeva which still got his title -> http://imgur.com/a/SsEYK
  13. This happens with every staff member not only with QA testers even if you can't see it sometimes. I recommend you guys to ignore them and keep it chill because we all know that even if everything is perfect in our server people will still complain. Anyway, on topic now I believe that it would be fair for you guys to get the same payment with live pandawow testers or maybe Zeox should give you both positions (pandawow tester & QA tester) so you can get the same payment with them. Just a thought from me.
  14. I think it only happens at x100
  15. Did you delete folder cache from your wow inventory? You should do it everytime after an update. I did like 10 duels in Xfun and it seemed to work for me (didn't test it at cross yet). Maybe I was lucky and it didn't get bugged for me so I will just wait others to comment as well.
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