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Everything posted by viktor97

  1. Why cross-server is off ?? i can't que battleground .. this is very bad -.-:(
  2. Nothing but i don't know.
  3. Dude this guy remove mount in air rofl he is my friend he is not hacker -.-
  4. Hello guys i have problem with Ravage spell on Feral Druid also i check and ask other people who play too feral druid and they tell me Ravage is smth like 30-40k max dmg please help me and i hope fix this bug :good::good:
  5. You try to send new ?
  6. Наказан.
  7. This guild is actually good ^^.
  8. :D :D :D :D :D - - - Updated - - - :D:D:D:D:D:D
  9. Yea i don't like too hackers i hope they ban this one but ur proofs are low i mean resolution on pictures : (
  10. viktor97

    Ravage / Ravage!

    Me too dude 30 40k max -.-
  11. Not work at 5.4.8 or actually from this updates
  12. Hope fix this so..:p
  13. This is visual bug actually he use Iron Hawk talent but if he is change talent in arena he have Spirit Bond but 0 healing from this passive
  14. Yea try smth like /cast and name of proffesion or if this one no work i don't know then :D :popcorn:
  15. :brberbrb::brberbrb::brberbrb:
  16. viktor97

    Ravage / Ravage!

    Yes this is true man my feral 554 ilvl on CLOTH players doing 30k crit -.- without burst
  17. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-2965809.html
  18. Realm:Fun Name:Sochi WTS 550-560 ilvl Feral Druid with ton of donate tmogs 10 donate mounts alot of good wep transmogs for cheap price /pm me :dance::kiss: :brberbrb: :alliance::druid::nightelf2: - - - Updated - - - :wink::wink::wink: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-2965809.html - link for feral druid
  19. rofl no this is bug on server -.- every warlock can gate
  20. you have no life maybe all time i see ur posts for CAPS seriously ..
  21. Rofl i post only cuz i want everyone see how bad is this druid and wintrading too
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