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Everything posted by viktor97

  1. @Noneedholy :brberbrb: Have something true here.:)
  2. :brberbrb::brberbrb::brberbrb:
  3. No he is not trash player ur reports and bad videos shows nothing man rofl you really think GM will ban him for this fake video ? and actually ur screenshots are empty
  4. wtb 550 lock ( I have 840 bonuses ) : ) :) :) :appl:
  5. :rofl_mini::rofl_mini::rofl_mini::rofl_mini:
  6. :appl::appl::appl:
  7. 1.Fun Realm 2.Name:Housvalqt 3.Description for druid : WTS 550 ilvl Rdruid with 2.3 cr on 2s 9 donate mounts , donate weps ( thundefury , warglaive x2 ) nice tmogs /w me for more info and price !!!:good::good::dance: 4.Have Fun
  8. Druidaskip stop insult players ..
  9. Now he just left this forum because he is so mad to see the real stories.
  10. WTS 550 ilvl Rdruid with 2.3 cr on 2s 9 donate mounts , donate weps ( thundefury , warglaive x2 ) nice tmogs /w me for more info and price !!! http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4183853.html :brberbrb:
  11. Also on ur imgur you spam with Caps + insulting you need more proofs you are bad ?
  12. Posts doesn't mater rofl you are wintrader and u will get banned and Noneed say nothing to me
  13. I try to reporter on the fastest way to get punishment
  14. 1.Выше + Smexaxa & Aidsbaster + Beyonceqtx 2.Fun Realm 3.Proofs for wintrading and , Enjoy this videos and help us to stop this wintraders:good::good::good::good:
  15. Realm Fun Name:Jaarero Horde :mad::mad::undead1::warlock:
  16. Need be fixed.
  17. I really want fix this :)
  18. One guide for arms warrior will be good @Noneedholy thanks you ^^
  19. I really hope one gm will see this hackers/abusers and ban them 30 days -.-
  20. Nice guide mate very help me
  21. Maybe you are bought any char with Arena Master so ur accaunt it's bug :)
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