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Everything posted by Surprize

  1. Surprize


    The casting into Nova part works now my bad :3 But while testing that i found out that if you move your pet to somewhere it will not be able to attack anymore until you set it back to follow, also if you use pet attack and move your pet the cast does not cancel. https://gyazo.com/b749c18415cc9ee8f3ed191404c42d9e
  2. Blink pathing is getting even worse :( https://gyazo.com/edbe105a90a04b8f87d5ea48b83dce0c
  3. Fixed :3
  4. This is still a thing even tho it does not happen to good mages till annoying :)))))
  5. Zeox promised he will take a look here
  6. Surprize


    Pet still just stares Novas to death instead of casting into them
  7. Please fix me baby one more time
  8. Voting for myself obviously
  9. I'm still willing to discuss with everyone that this should work, luckily for you i found a one button solution myself which solves the problem. Just want to mention that a cancelaura without using a spell should not trigger a gcd at any time :D
  10. Shut up retard this is a normal macro function ofc this should work like every other macro
  11. Not sure what this is about but funny enough lsd has no pressure compared to pwow xd
  12. Not sure what you just wrote there nor why you explain to us something that has no meaning for us to be known thanks anyways i suppose. But it does not work it triggers a gcd for no reason go ahead and retest it or ask someone to help you that knows how it works maybe a certain priest that has played more than 20k games with this issue.... If i write a cancelaura for my iceblock and put cs after it also triggers no gcd why should this trigger one if it even works with 2 separate macros???
  13. Ok so if pwow doesn't fix retail bugs i want my pom ring back while being cced and i want to mc lock pets to break soul link :)
  14. This makes absolutely no sense, you can cancel it and then use it why would it not work in the same macro. If anything that was a bug on retail and hey I'm pretty sure we don't want bugs on pwow :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcKXPSXAQyI&feature=youtu.be&t=3m7s
  15. My vote was a troll. Warriors are out of control I stopped playing pwow because of that, it no one cares but fuck warriors man
  16. Yo btw why can't you jump into flare and cheapshot that used to work on retail
  17. Kinda important when you are afk in cc forever
  18. Plz fix ze bug
  19. Caught
  20. I need less than 50 ms to properly press Icelance
  21. I'm a magician irl
  22. Warlock
  23. Fmp is the comp i will play on blizzcon one day maybe with you maybe with the rival vezir who knows
  24. Farmed them on fmp too Kappa. Also destroyed them on my 480k hp mage as destro mld every game
  25. Feel like no one on this server actually played retail eksde
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