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Everything posted by Mergx

  1. retarded suggestion
  2. just shut the fuck up, you have no clue about dks or this game at all. bad trolls like you deserve a perma ban
  3. New season??? I work with development and i never saw such a long time to make a single web site/control panel. w/e. You guys having been fixing a lot (thanks for that) but i never saw such a indiferent and incompetent at all.
  4. You arent a good dps. You are just a retarded cunt with no clue about the game who spam bg que 24/7 and walk around doing damage without caring about bases/objectives or strategy in general. You just suck
  5. Mergx

    Frozen orb !

    need to be fix and updated asap. lost one 2.4 RM game today due to this bug +1
  6. i agree with the warrior part ofc, but mages and especially warlocks are completely fine. also you a hunter, why are you complaining? xD
  7. its not retail like for sure. some really annoying bugs, toxic community at all, dumb things everywhere. my tip is: if you really enjoy mop playstyle just play it, but if you wanna play just for play then dont.
  8. now just saying the word "mom" is bannable? gtfo
  9. Vormaan feels - - - Updated - - - @Topic 1. I hate bugs in general, but playing my monk when Xuen oneshotted people was fun (12 sec paralysis was funny too) 2. Warrior (just no comments), DK (NICE DAMAGE OUT OF BURST, TOTALLY BALANCED jk). Holy Paladin (what the fuck are those healings) 3. Server can't get worse than it already is, so why not trying new things/systems? :)
  10. sended a similar post to shadrissa a few days ago, that russian slut didnt even answered me. tbh the staff dgaf
  11. this explains a lot tbh.
  12. pandawow staff wouldnt care anyways
  13. not that game breaking tbh UA cast time is already around 0.5s id say 6/10
  14. changing ur wow config helps
  15. my pc is windows 10, very good tho
  16. Mergx


    u r that shaman on fun Veynnzy. On forums Veynny is zipposkunk. cmon kennyart everyone here knows how bad you are, you were nothing on 2s without a warlock, nowdays you just tryhard in this game. look at ur keybinds, you have no clue of the game for a "2.9 player"
  17. they starting to care about players would be a nice start
  18. spain is worse. on mexico they traffic weed and cocaine, on spain they tryhard on games abusing and saying 'jajaja'
  19. Mergx


  20. k so ill multibox some accounts with those potions, using mannoroth fury as a destro warlock, cuz u guys dgaf right?
  21. dks need a damage nerf. ill make a report later
  22. takaa nigger confirmed
  23. as i said on my post, the buffs arent the abuse, HAVING more than one at the same time is an abuse, in or outside of arenas.
  24. its unplayable.
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