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Everything posted by Flow

  1. I did like you said only cs's go through shears kicks pummels dont its annoying but its not 8/10
  2. Flow


    "one of the best" atleast in 3s there are barely any mages that can actually play 3s brucedeven on mage was ok pewds is obv good dj is not a mage that fucking tryhards 2s all day
  3. does give immunity to kicks just not to silences
  4. Hes not allowed to help someone?What kind of a rule is that?
  5. What the fuck is wrong with you weegee? he was trying to help
  6. Flow


    yea man idd i cant lose a billioonon $$$ if i dont have the $$$$$$$ ;( btw nice try gotta try harder ur not far enough in noneeds asshole yet but you'll get there eventually
  7. Flow


    cant lose something you dont have
  8. Flow


    typical noneeding right after he loses flames his teammate rofl dj is one of the best mages here if not the best
  9. MOP was the most hated until wod came out ;D MOP is now the best fucking expansion cuz it was before WOOD ;D
  10. its already been confirmed that bolvar will be in legion.. so yea hes returning in legion pretty much
  11. Flow


    im not an expert but i think this is important 11/10 Kappa
  12. Not anymore :) any comp with a runic corruption dk is op now lock comps r not that bad since shard gen has been fixed(kinda)
  13. "unnoticed" everyone knows that runic coruption is broken as fuck
  14. if there are a lot of teams signed up in the russian section they wont care
  15. Flow


    the kickbot in that tmorph is bad anyway afaik
  16. well ofc but they do in more important shit rbgs/arenas
  17. retail good at preventing hacks XDDDDDD thats why there are a million ruskies kickboting/fly hacking at 2.9k mmr and in rbgs xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
  18. Flow


    the awkward moment when diabloqiue tried to snipe with his kickbot and still lost :C
  19. noneedsuck is the only good dk here that can actually use dark sim and doesnt just mash his keyboard
  20. I cant play any of my monks now because im scared i will loose titles and rewards , WOWOWO private server titles r so important OMG yo i wouldnt play ever again until the season ends wowo
  21. press O then raids and you will see a tab called other raids ur lockouts will be there or you didnt have 25hc raid when u tried to do BT
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