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Everything posted by Buka

  1. Try to create rings and amulets, not gems.
  2. already banned
  3. уже забанен
  4. Минуту сервер лежит, у вас уже паника. Все с ним в порядке.
  5. Нет, не банят.
  6. Declined. Not a bug report/Not by rules. Rules: How to report a bug.
  7. Write to tech support of payment service. They can confirm your payment without verification code.
  8. Отклонено.
  9. Punished
  10. Please describe your problem here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=166 By these rules: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=73154
  11. Уже в муте
  12. Buka


    Отклонено. Не баг-репорт/не по правилам оформлено. Правила написания багрепортов И мы не отправляем никакие итемы по почте.
  13. Have other email, IP and account - was transfered or sold. There's one account in the game with this email, but without characters on the FUN server and with one character on x100. Or you gave false nicknames or you was hacked, or you played with your friend from one account - your CP logs have a different IP-adress and history is very old. Hackers don't play so long on hacked account. With this information I can't change your email. And account is empty. If you was hacked you can try to create new topic by these rules and wait for an answer from other GM which work with these cases. If it's was your friend - speak with him.
  14. Здравствуйте. Ждите, пожалуйста, отправки предмета на игровую почту. В теме будет дополнительно отписано, когда предмет будет отправлен. FAQ по пожертвованиям.
  15. Модераторы тут ни при чем. В следующий раз убейте рядом с боссом моба и полутайте - лут соберется и с моба, и с босса.
  16. Declined
  17. Наказан.
  18. Наказан.
  19. Наказан.
  20. Отклонено
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