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Everything posted by Buka

  1. Что за удар - написано в логе боя. Баг со змеями.
  2. 100 минут мута.
  3. 60 минут мута
  4. Раздел: http://s01.geekpic.net/dm-ZPRXQV.png А это не пользователи форума. Пишите в раздел нарушителей Вашего реалма: http://s01.geekpic.net/dm-OLAJ2Q.png
  5. Double.
  6. 300 минут мута.
  7. Здравствуйте. Ждите, пожалуйста, отправки предмета на игровую почту. В теме будет дополнительно отписано, когда предмет будет отправлен.
  8. Эвилайх - 120 минут мута; Brainlessfap - 240 минут мута; Silven - 30 дней бана на форуме.
  9. 120 минут мута.
  10. Banned, 30 days. Player not found.
  11. Отклонено, не баг-репорт.
  12. Declined. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78844
  13. Для сравнения: http://db.pandawow.me?npc=42288#teaches-recipe http://db.pandawow.me?npc=5482#teaches-recipe http://geekpic.net/pm-BBFC87.html
  14. Okay, once again. You create 11 identical themes with swearing in each section, which you can see. You've break the forum rules and was banned. But you've got answer what you should write and where. You can't read? It's very hard for you? You create new account and and start spamming again. But you don't create topic in section for appeals. You've break the forum rules again and was banned again. But you've got answer once again: You create 2 new accouns and start spamming again. And again you don't read my answers. Just spamming. And again i write answer for you: And again you don't write appeal. You create new and new themes. If you can't read - learn to read.
  15. Read answer about appeal in first thread. Banned for spamming once again.
  16. Muted, 240 minutes.
  17. Closed. Banned for spamming once again. Read answer in your first thread.
  18. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?npc=42288 2. Не обучает кулинарии. 3. Должен обучать. 4. 16.02.2015 5. 2/10
  19. Declined. Stop spamming.
  20. Please create topic in this section by these rules.
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