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Everything posted by osijek031

  1. Name: Божественая Realm: x100 Explanation of report: So player is playing twink MW Monk he is Pandaren on my ss you can see him using 550 Intellect Well fed buff ( Max well fed buff on lvl 90 gives 300 intellect ) that is first reason why is he getting reported ... secound reason is that same player as Synapse Springs Hand item enchant which you cant get since you cant train Engineering more than 450 ( max level of twink professions is 450 ) ... Guardian elixir for Stamina which gives him 119 Stamina and max stamina from guardian elixir you can get on his level is 40...Also I would like if you guys could check his DMG and Healing done in the end of the battleground ( I will also post a picture of that ) - Another thing which is pretty wierd is his HP ... 34k HP is alot... Also player deletes his character once he goes offline cause of abuse im asking pandawow to fix that aswell so... I will give you some hints about a thing im talking right now. Player abuses something deletes his char makes new one with same name and you cant find him on forum to ban him or website but the player can delete char he made with his name and restore char which he abused on for price of 1 bonus and dodge ban also he can keep on abusing what ever he wants since he has his get away plan. Imgur pictures : http://imgur.com/oR3eo1W http://imgur.com/hUGI9l3 http://imgur.com/yeUjNtE http://imgur.com/st536wy http://imgur.com/MCurGIm I have to comment on this post and I will give you evidence of what I am talking about so I will post ss and you will see that he is from guild called Dark Legion and you can see in right lower corner of my screen a Pandaren Monk http://imgur.com/hUGI9l3... Now I will go on website and look for his Monk with same name he has and as I said player deleted his Monk and created a DK with same name so he can restore it evidence is right here http://imgur.com/OQuCBbE I would like ENGLISH speaking GM to answer my post and take a better look in what I posted.
  2. I totally support Weegee in this way that he said its mostly a player expression since tbh. I did same thing and never got reported cause people understand the expression but cancer people like you tiggar or should I say " triggered " abuse that same word and that meaning of expression to try getting someone in bad position like you are doing right now... Hope you end up in really bad position here triggeredboi
  3. Name: Sangina Realm: x100 Abusing Legendary quest item to make extra gemslot on his PvE Weapon as you can see on SS he has 80 Str + 160 Hit and secound gem 160 Str thats all im gonna say... Proof: http://imgur.com/a/9kx5t
  4. 1. Fitche 2. x100 3. Player was spamming in say chat. 4. http://imgur.com/TUBMdKn
  5. its funny how you got triggered Felxprod... bug works only in rood --> heal order and affli locks have same bug just figured it out today but for affli it makes them do more DMG or something since you can use 1 spell without wasting a stack of your passive proc so on and so on... have to take better look into affli and my report will be up under warlock section
  6. 1.http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=16974/predatory-swiftness 2.This bug is simple and its making all Ferals atm. being OP as hell but anyway... PS says " Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to make your next Healing Touch, Entangling Roots, or Rebirth instant, free, and castable in all forms. " Pandawow says " You can use PS to Root the target and in the same time you can use that same PS to heal yourself or your arena partner just cause ... why not ? " 3.I am not going to write anything to this topic about " please fix please bug what ever " but you are the one making PvP 3v3 Tournament when your classes are working like mashed potatoes 4.You all think I got here empty handed and you are looking for some evidence oh well...on your luck you dont have to test the thing out since you have people like me who get pissed once they see how unfair the class is and even tho it is like that you still decide to make a PvP event. 1. Pic is pic of player doing spell called " Rip " on me with 5 CP to get PS buff on http://imgur.com/ZgbIfMY 2. Pic is showing you my character getting rooted with that PS ( As you can see on that Pic. player STILL HAS PS PROC ON HIMSELF ) http://imgur.com/KFqBlqK 3. Pic is from player who helped me test it out so he can confirm the thing we did ( In left corner of the screen in chat log you can see Healing touch being used by him with that god damn same PS proc. ) http://imgur.com/saPQJjS
  7. you killed someone so you got into combat with them ... its natural zone you should not kill if you wanna buy stuffs from vendors cause if you do they will become enemy with you
  8. 1. Ordkill 2. Pandawow x100 3. This player is abusing profession buffs such as Tailoring Back item enchant , Engi. gloves enchant , Enchanting ring enchants and blacksmithing bonus gems enchant even tho once you do profession to max and you unlearn it the bonus should get disabled as well 4. http://imgur.com/kLfPQL8 http://imgur.com/ytFISQ0 http://imgur.com/xJaX6Ak http://imgur.com/EFaZ3YH 5. No comment ... if that's legit hell yea lets do max buffs on our chars and faceroll world with way more stats :D
  9. Tywm for reply but since I got on Aliance side there is a lot of people runing around with gems on their weapons even in PvE which they are doing with their guilds or w/e ... point of story is will that be removed from player or player will be punished even tho I would like it to be removed cause as I said before there is a lot of them runing around with same thing
  10. Kroz its all cool we like to farm you on Aliance side ...Aswell as his issue I would like to say that if they cant fix Rollback specs. and PvP weps. being gemmed with MoP gems they should at least do this...aswell as player said he should get chance to get his quest as everyone else + he did one part of it on Horde ....
  11. 1. Inmolaris 2. Pandawow x100 3. This player was abusing Legendary quest item on his PvP weapon which is unfair in overall PvP. 4. http://imgur.com/lSk5Lx8 5. Thats pretty unfair and item should be fixed...
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