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Posts posted by Clickhimself

  1. Name of not working spell : https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=76577

    Description of the problem : The problem is with smoke bomb normally you can use smoke bomb so players can't stealth and remove stealth wich doesn't work on pandawow proofs :

    And this is how it should be : https://imgur.com/a/jeacoJE

    On top of this gamebreaking function, there are other factors that these people are benefitting from which should also be fixed.

    I'm talking about the smoke bomb & flare bug surrounding stealth.

    Not alot of people know about all the effects of smoke bomb like blocking spirit-link, making anyone in a smoke bomb untargetable (not being able to hit them while outside the smoke bomb) or the effect that is currently not working : making enemies unable to either go in stealth or stay in stealth while inside a smoke bomb.

    Date when you tested it : Tested it today but the video is from 18 april so,i can edit thread and do a video about it now.

    Realm, where found this bug : (xFUN).

    Priority of the problem(1-10) : 10

  2. Hola buenas, hace tiempo que no jugaba y traté de iniciar sesion de nuevo, pero no hayaba la contraseña ni el usuario, por suerte si el correo, el caso es que hice la recuperacion de contraseña, pero el codigo que me llegó al mail no funciona, me llego Usuario nuevo y contraseña nueva, y al tratar de iniciar sesion pone que es invalido.


    Gracias por la atención


    Please post this in Espagnol section not here,This is EN support : https://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=208

  3. Hello there Tribord,Welcome to the server.

    First thing you need to know is that Cap resets every Monday and Friday 9AM Server Time

    Arena Season 12 ended but they didn't remove the rating because season 13 didn't start it will start in around 2 weeks.

    No gold is not worth on the XFUN realm.

    With points you can do alot of things just check every section onsite With gold coins you can buy characters,premium transmog,with silver points you can buy transmog items,armory,etc..

    And honestly i don't know why devs didnt put guild level 25 automatically.

    Have fun.

  4. I remember back in 2014-2015-2016 when gurubashi was poppin they were like 40 people at the arena with 1 char and we just did raid groups and fight each other,now its like legit the guy that has the most money or chars win's,and everyone is doing the same because like people say its the "meta" no its not ? it's just annoying you have 1 char and you can't do anything against someone that has 20 chars and then the guy kills you and says "ez" but denies any 1v1,that's just so bad,you can't go gurubashi without being killed by 20 chars imagine if the guy with 20 accounts calls his friends with more charsthan him rofl,legit it makes them the game crash because they are too many in the group with their chars,and also like i tought that guru will be great again if they removed the teleporter wich they did but people just found new method to abuse something,yes i myself use the premium and multi account because people do it to me so i had to do it too,but i don't deny any 1v1.


    And like chainz said before people had respect each other and like we fought maybe for 1-2 days but after that it was cool and u chill with people etc,now legit you attack for fun someone and u get ganked by focking 45 chars and premium abuse and u can't do anything,u'll just sit graveyard and can't do anything,nobody has any respect now,like i said before,its the guy that has the most chars that wins,simple.

    Multiboxing people cried about it and couldn't play yes it ruined pvp but having 20 chars and abusing premium ruins pvp,you come gurubashi you get killed and u sit graveyard yikes..


    Anyways i agree to this,bring back the old guru,and also bring back the people that used to play wtf i have such good memories with them af :(

  5. You wish there were proofs instead there are just Words @Zeox or @Buka can always checke how did you transfer my characters and to who they can do the same too me and let's see who end up lieng in the end :P don't reply anymore coz you got nothing else others then lies to spit around


    Owh yes you did 1 normall report about me Hacking on monk I accept that ban :)


    Lies ? Are u sure about that,again you lied


  6. So you basicly ADMIT that you stole my 2 rogues than sold them and now you saying that you want back a Rogue or you are not going to remove your fake ass reports? I do accept the hacking on Ivy tho



    :P let's see how stuff will go for you


    I scammed both yes you made a report didn't you,yes i did and what ? i did it because u got my feral my rogue ddosed me scammed vezir,scammed other people,even when i scammed you people said in dm's thank you,and 1 of ur rogue i got scammed and u got it back for free other one u got it back too why u're crying for that and its not fake ass reports,legit there's proof's.

    Anyways won't reply anymore,have a good day.

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