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Posts posted by Clickhimself

  1. So that mean I didn't get them back you know Right? And yes the screen with gerry totatly makes no sense he is replying you with yesblabla :D?

    And I sold your rogue 1.8k :D


    coz kek not gonna lie that rog was WACK


    you got the rogue back because hitman had it and you traded with him or idk and its not my fault if u sold for 1k8 ? you could of sell it for more i don't care u still sniped it.

  2. https://gyazo.com/f6eecba0fa2a3ca9c61f4319d44b26c3


    Currently Clickhimself trying to blackmail with this old ass report asking for a character to delete the threat :D?


    After scamming 2 of my Rogues he is asking for more gj


    You got ur rogues back,and i didn't get my rogue back that u sniped ? of course i want a char back that u took,


    Have some brain,you did the same :) https://prnt.sc/rxy7gj

  3. kek you threating me that you have my IP I guess? what else it is


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    at least you admit they are fake but any way playing on VPN is imposible now since is Fixed you can try it ur self


    And I ddosed who? Any real proofs of someone being ddosed or just words


    you ddosed me br0 and ddosed server too,you took vezir chars,u took my chars,u scammed tons of other people,legit stop talk at this point.

  4. he can't ddos himself how would he ddos u fake report angry person


    ok cool


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    fake report OLD report I'd take only the TP hacking on iivy ;p


    Ain't that old remember what buka said boi


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    he can't ddos himself how would he ddos u fake report angry person , discord msgs can be edited easily,


    i can do a video of the messages ? if thats what u want bro


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    Look at this too ! : https://prnt.sc/rxu1qq

  5. Realm : XFUN

    Characters names : Tyvm,lvjy,Egirlfactory,lies,Wtbheroin,Seige,Idkxd,Fitzo,Wistful,Tbcdruid and probably got more

    this guy : https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=249748

    He got perma banned but he use vpn to play on pwow,his account names are : Egirlfactory,Anatolim,and he probably got more not sure.


    Anyways i'll show you him tp hack first :



    Then proofs of him ddosing me : https://prnt.sc/rxt9wh

    Also wants to ddos other people : https://prnt.sc/rxtasg


    Also he wanted my ip to ddos me https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/565900621975126056/658779838064099348/Screenshot_20191223-231540.jpg


    And to proof its actually chainz on discord : https://prnt.sc/rxteke (he made an discord account and join pwow discord because got banned on main one)


    Chainz scamming again : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/699240355647848508/701126041074401380/Sans_titre.png






    Character that i got scammed : Vanticisez character armory in case if he change name or whatever https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4971991.html

    Scammer Account name : Davvera but he probably got more.


    Hello GM's I know you guys are getting annoyed because we (players) keep sending you scamming reports and you guys just ignore it or decline it but it legit won't help the players and the community if you guys don't do anything about it even if its a trade its still a char maybe the player paid alot for the character and he trusted the wrong person,what should happen is that if the player got scammed GM's should give the char back and ban the player that scammed 30 days its like that on other servers,so then the player wouldn't be so tempted to scam someone else again,if he does it again its double ban i guess,so now let me begin with my story,i know you all are saying i'm a scammer but in reality i only scammed people who scammed me or scammed my friends the scammer got the char for free so i just take it back,he don't deserve it


    So today i wanna show you a scammer named Davvera he wanted to trade me his Rank 1 pal Roa (https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6364955.html)



    So now you'll say yea its my fault because i trusted him,its kinda true but i know that guy for a long time and just wanted to see if some of the community is nice wich its not

    I'll show you now a video of him scamming me in the video you can see we talk about nick that guy i scammed him because he basically scammed gerry so he got the pal for free and now that guy davvera want me to pay back something he scammed wich i won't do and he scammed my druid that i paid 5k.

    Video :


    Roa also scammed Vantic




    Also roa selling accounts for real money : [ATTACH=CONFIG]137548[/ATTACH]

  7. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/367372711061749763/664941696538247168/Screenshot_20200109-222047_Discord.jpg here chainz is telling you that he will stop ddossing robin if she slits her wrists :D


    this is a meme, you guys try to get people banned cuz they are farming you in guru... pretty fucking sad you have to make fake discord accounts and conversations. such low lifes the scammer and ddoser making a report about the same thing


    Even here they photoshopped the picture which says ''tomorrow at ***'' https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/321754704411623424/664967538639110205/unknown.png


    Its not edited its because its midnight right now,http://prntscr.com/qlk0yt

  8. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmen...47_Discord.jpg here chainz is telling you that he will stop ddossing robin if she slits her wrists :D


    this is a meme, you guys try to get people banned cuz they are farming you in guru... pretty fucking sad you have to make fake discord accounts and conversations. such low lifes the scammer and ddoser making a report about the same thing



    Nice "fake" i just sent him that rn.

  9. Name : Vantic,Donned (Vantic,Vanticizmad,Donnelol,Weebs,Vanticisez,Donnebanned,Edate,and probably more,he maybe will change his chars name,he already did on Donnelol Its now Symb)

    Realm : XFUN

    Proofs : (his discord : http://prntscr.com/qljz57)

    http://prntscr.com/qljj9k - Vantic sharing account with donne

    http://prntscr.com/qljjmj - Vantic scamming me

    http://prntscr.com/qljk5f - More proofs vantic scamming me

    http://prntscr.com/qljkkv - Ddosing me and trying to say i tried to ddos his friends when i didn't even have her ip,i'll show proofs,





    This is a little message for you vantic,you legit don't know what you did right now,you understand that i called my ISP and that you'll need to pay,and i can talk to the police and get you in jail ? also i never did anything to you and u thank me like that well,i hope u will learn from ur lessons.

    Edit : Selling accounts/chars for real money : (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663434912606584843/664159270283247649/unknown.png)


    (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663434912606584843/664158645310717982/unknown.png, Donne in that picture,selling his and vantic chars,because they share).

    Edit again : (Racist : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/321754704411623424/664967538639110205/unknown.png)

    EDIT MORE : Selling chars for real money : (https://gyazo.com/5fb40de89541fe8a4087091fed005381)

    more : (https://gyazo.com/42ecb2fe2e9fcf3b7466a59c9b617676)

  10. Realm : XFUN

    Character name : Cloneqt

    Problem : So basically i bought a druid from a friend for 1k5+tax he showed me it had full warforged gear 4/4 and full pvp etc,but then when i bought it,i saw that everything is missing,warforged and pvp gear,please can i get back the gear ? Thanks in advance

    Edit : Buka if you don't believe me check logs,you will see that i'm not lieing the guy deleted gear,i just didn't take any screenshot because we were in a call.

    And when i asked him he blocked me discord so idk

  11. Character name : Proftw

    Realm : XFUN

    Ok so basically rattag banned me for wintrading on my druid,the thing is i was doing 1s q till like 1k cr or something then i saw a guy wintrading like basically he queued with his alts and main but i queued and got with his alts i already made a ticket ingame about it,but no one responds so i queued and then i queued against vezir and i won till 2k2 cr it's not my fault,Please unban me.

  12. • Nickname of the violator:



    • Realm where you saw the violation: xfun


    • Description of the violation: And another one that think is escaping unpunished haha, just check his history and but dont forget to bring popcorn first :popcorn:

    This guy is not even trying to fake wintrade, hes just pure wintrade haha. Over 30 games against 2 persons, enemy doing no damage and fight end in less than 1 min.


    Also dont forget to remove rating before you ban this tryhards, thank you!



    • Proofs:





    First of all,I was in q for 1v1 and the guy kept queing and being afk i even said in the chat and i dmed gms about it that the guy and not only him was probably wintrading to another guy so it is not my fault.


    yea ? and you still perma banned xDDD and u play on a VPN


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    You do realize it says * real money? * and yea hi too you to Mr.scammer :)


    2.17. It is not allowed to trade accounts or characters in any way. its not my fault if u accepted.

  14. name: Eblazing/Erozar (Click)

    time: 10:02 pm ( server time 11:02 pm )

    reason: scamming trade with characters.

    evidencse: https://gyazo.com/67ae00409abbea77fad392a903dd9965





    However after I have transfered the both Characters to his account name Kotchi after I did the transfer he was silent and it took him a lot of time after I ask him So? because he left I couldn't send a message or anything ( blocked me )


    here is a screen of his Email https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/321754704411623424/654773847563829257/unknown.png


    Before him even pressing Confirm.


    Actions should be taken againts him since he is a known scammer ;p


    Hi there mr Chainzrow,who got perma banned for ddosing the server (http://prntscr.com/qa1gay),(https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=249748)

    First of all,you cannot talk,you use a VPN to play so that's already a fraud from your side,and you scammed alot of people including me,and vezir and bunch of others,you always try to get people to be ur slave and u always always try to be a fake friend and then u backstab in the back :)

    (http://prntscr.com/qa1hvw) and i'm not in a fraud at all,if you didn't check rules,its saying exchange of characters is prohibitted and that its ur own fault if u did it first,its because i don't want to sell my char that's all.

    (2.7. It is not allowed to sell, trade accounts, items or any Pandawow services to a third party person for real money.


    2.17. It is not allowed to trade accounts or characters in any way.

    both in same page)

    Anyways i wish you a good luck in ur life :D


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    soem more proofs for u admins : http://prntscr.com/qa1plm

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