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Everything posted by WorstWarriorNA
Ok fuck you you stupid idiot! Players like you give me cancer, your stupidity is beyond me, you're playing on a buggy private server thinking you know something but you don't. If 2 retail dks tell you that garg never moves while casting or casts while moving you think just because it's the way it is on pandawow means that it's not bugged. It's stupid idiotic and you just piss me off so much. People like you are a waste of air flesh blood and time. Do me a favor and jump off of a bridge.
Perfect example of how the gargoyle stops and casts until the hunter moves from his line of sight and then he stops casting and follows him.
If it's a fake post then plz tell me what personal gain do i get besides a more blizzlike server from fixing gargoyle's casting while moving bug if i only play 2 classes and DK is my main class do tell. Like go ahead tell everyone what other motive can i have from this bug being fixed.
In the first video you can clearly see that he cast didn't finish because the animation of the player being hit by the Gargoyle's cast didn't display, and Gargoyle can cast on a target if it is in his line and range while he is coming down, not in the direction of the player or diagonally, just straight down which was displayed in the second video.
Fake report? Let me remind you how long i've been playing a dk. SINCE 3.0 WHEN THEY CAME OUT! But ofc you a guy that plays a private server knows better than me i am certain... Ok whatever enjoy your bugged spell. - - - Updated - - - Ofc Pujo is not right he's more wrong than ever this time. He even knows it! He just wants dks to be OP again so he can get his precious 2s rating.
No it's only shown that way because of MS difference, on the warrior's screen it looks like it casted while moving while on the dk's screen it didn't. You can even check for yourself, log on 2 accounts choose an account you want to use then log on a character on each account make your character from the second account follow your character from your main account and make your character from your main account auto run. Then alt tab between the two and you can see the difference in their position and distance from each other. - - - Updated - - - Ok i give up if you want a bugged gargoyle with bad pathfinding fine by me, if you want to fix the damage but not his moving while casting bug making it OP fine whatever, but at least at the very least don't lie and say that it was intended to move while casting, cause it is false and never was this way.
Yes and you can clearly see the gargoyle standing and casting, when the druid moved from the garg's line he tried to follow it, if he was moving while casting the cast would finish at 0:47 and hit the druid but it didn't. Meaning the gargoyle cannot cast while moving. Here's another video to demonstrate it: at 6:30 you can see the gargoyle following the warrior and when he gets in his line he stops moving and starts casting. And also i said it's the same on WoD and the PTR and the Pre Patch and Beta/Alpha cause they didn't change the cast of the gargoyle since ever it was always standing and casting never moving and casting, you can consider the gargoyle's spell a frostbolt; if you cast frostbolt and move it will stop the cast, if you stand and cast it the spell will be casted unless it gets interrupted.
1. Ebon Gargoyle 2. Description of the problem: He casts while moving. 3.How it must work:When you summon the gargoyle while targeting a player/NPC he starts casting his attacks on the target, if he is out of range or the target is out of his line of sight he will stop casting and fly to the target and when it is in his line and or range he will start casting again. Gargoyle cannot and i stress CANNOT! cast while moving. 4.Date when you tested it:20.8.2016 5.Realm: Fun 6.Priority of the problem: 10/10 this makes gargoyle do unavoidable damage. 7.Proof:In this video at 0:47 you can see the gargoyle attempting to cast while also moving, that's true but if you look closely you will see that the cast was canceled and the spell never hit cause he moved, the visual of him casting was probably caused by slight MS lag (it can happen everywhere, on retail or on a private server). If i will find any other clip that shows what i claim is true like the one from the earlier thread i will link. 8. Extra: I am not just sitting here and being pissed off at dk's gargoyle and how it F's me in arenas, i have mained a dk since 3.0 and was gladiator since s9-s17 in s18 i was R1 as a dk, gargoyle never casted while moving or moved while casting if he moves he stops casting his spell, it was always like this and still is.
If you kill skull banner the enemy teams loses a lot of damage, and if you kill demo banner it's 10% damage reduction they don't have anymore. - - - Updated - - - Well i am not sure if it should have resil cause i couldn't find any evidence for this, but i am sure it should have 0 armor.
Ofc not, you should be able to 2 shot it as a melee. I think it should have 0 resil armor nor affected by the player's defensive traits and it's base HP should be between 140k-150k.
- - - Updated - - - The only times it is able to move and cast is when it hovers down, like if you're in tol'viron and your target jumps down if it's in the garg's LoS he hovers down while casting. I am not talking out of my ass btw, i played a dk on retail since s5 to s18.
Thx for reminding me :P
It's weird cause on my dk, my pet needs to be directed first. I need to move him manually so he can be in the target's LoS and then he can run at it, if it's behind a pillar or something and i use my petattack bind he wont attack. Which is odd.
Yes i think resil is bugged, either that or Slam's formula and Fist's and RSK's and pyro's and many spells formula is just incorrect, it's more reasonable that resil as a reduction is not working correctly for a lot of spells.
It should have 0 resil or armor, and damage done to it by players is also affected by pvp power.
1. Skull Banner, Mocking Banner and Demoralizing Banner 2. Description of the problem: All 3 banners have too much HP and impossible to kill making warrior's burst harder to avoid. 3.How it must work: The health of the banner is supposed to be lower, at around the 140-150k ish HP and should not be armor, that being said player's attacks on banners should be affected by PvP Power as well as their stats and current buffs. 4.Date when you tested it: 16.8.2016 5.Realm: Fun 6.Priority of the problem: 10/10 Proof: Notice the health on the banners at 4:41, and on pandawow banner's HP is around 500k HP and by the time you manage to kill it in arenas or bgs or duels you're probably dead yourself.
I will report it i just need to build a strong report like i did with the conversion report. Otherwise the gms will just sweep it under the rug, tho i'm kind of occupied by making a report for warrior banners. Their health is just too damn high! You can't kill a banner and if you try you'll need to burst it down which is an obvious waste. If anyone has a video or any kind of footage showing banners HP plz send it to me because if i wont have proof there will be no fix.
Well i don't remember you complaining when rogues were critting for 160k+ on plate classes in arenas.
Blood Tap gives you fully charged death runes for every full depleted rune, that mean for every rune you have on full cd and a stack of 5 blood taps basically gives you a free death rune instead of one random rune on a full cd, that rune can be blood frost unholy or death (tho you can't have more than 5 death runes and less than 1 unholy rune) That's how it should work. But you can get up to 6 death runes and fully depleted death runes are not refreshed when you use your blood tap stacks.
Well if you really want to avoid the gargoyle's damage then interrupt his cast. Tho it will be good if this bug gets fixed, and i'm a main DK player saying that.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/patch-notes/5-4-0 You can check every mini patch note there from 5.4-5.4.8. They didn't touch conversion. - - - Updated - - - http://www.wowhead.com/guide=2297/warlords-of-draenor-death-knight-changes#talents-changed Here is when they changed conversion.
They didn't. look at the tweet from Holinka, plus i can link the patch notes from 5.4-5.4.8 and you will see no changes to conversion.
No as you can see from the tweet they were aware of the double heal from it and decided to keep it as it is cause it wasn't game breaking. They changed it in 6.1 cause frost dks were not dying what so ever and it was almost impossible to get a dk's hp below 95%, so you can consider it not a bug. And also because you don't have conversion as a dk on pandawow your survivability is really bad (compared to how s13-s15 dks were)
1. Conversion 2. Description of the problem: You should be able to apply conversion twice to heal 2x as much for 2x more rp with /cast !conversion macro. 3.How it must work:When you press the macro twice it should double conversion effect. 4.Date when you tested it:9.8.2016 5.Realm: Fun 6.Priority of the problem: 10/10 this bug prevents appropriate use of conversion. Proof: And proof that it was kept in the game even tho it was a bug cause it wasn't gamebreaking: A Tweet from Lead PvP designer Holinka https://mobile.twitter.com/holinka/status/322586920507043841 Also the 5.4.0-5.4.8 patch notes (no changes to conversion): http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/patch-notes/5-4-0 Dk Changes in 6.1.0: http://www.wowhead.com/guide=2297/warlords-of-draenor-death-knight-changes#talents-changed Just scroll down to talents. The tooltip was changed for Legion the cost of conversion before the change was 5 and they increased it to 15.
Since yesterday, every time I logged on my warrior Ghirah and went to a place with mobs that are attackable (including target dummies) I got insane FPS lags. This never happened to me on any other character and the rest are fine it's just my warrior. What am I supposed to do to fix them?