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Everything posted by Visa

  1. https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=228284 this is how chainz is ddos'ing me pls remove as i cannot T_T
  2. И где в видео он использовал читы? Я думаю, что забавно, что вы нажимаете прерывание в 1:00 в видео. против рога :rofl_mini:
  3. Похоже, вы уже использовали эти видео в других отчетах. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=241526 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=241525
  4. Yes lol I checked All mail
  5. I'm trying to initiate a character transfer, however I can't receive the e-mail that is getting sent to me to confirm it. Everytime I try to transfer and tells me that it has sent me an e-mail and when I go to check my e-mail there isn't anything there. Account: --hidded-- Email: --hidded-- Character to transfer: Deathbuffs Account transfering to: --hidded-- Currency using: 150 Gold Coins Realm: x100 Proof it's my email: http://--hidded-- If I can't get this to work then I would like to evolve this into an Email Change Request. However I want to see if I can fix this first.
  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=229630 You misunderstood. My character wasn't "hacked" or "stolen". The character "Disappeared". Can you find out where it went?
  7. One of my characters from Fun realm has disappeared. Account: core2k17 I had recently just bought the character: Xæzä And I logged in and it's gone
  8. Plien --------------- I spectated using PVE spectator and I tried to leave with the command and it wouldnt work at first so I did .sp player on someone in Arena 2v2 and it went there and when I got out of the Arena my inventory was gone, bags were gone, all equipped gear was gone everything. I've had my priest (Plien) for a year now and I've had full pride , full PVE set, bunch of consumables, toys, transmog, etc. It has to be stored somewhere in the database.
  9. My character went to use the PVE Spectator NPC and when I came back to Stormwind my character was naked, no inventory, no bags, no nothing, everything was gone and spectator mode destroyed my character. I still have all mounts and titles, character equipment sets
  10. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=95346/capacitive-primal-diamond Please add this and the others. You can buy the cloak for 1500 gold coins but not this gem and its before the cloak. Thank you
  11. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). Bonebag Realm, where you saw the violation. Fun Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably). Insult in english. Proof: screenshots or video. http://i.imgur.com/Mm28I6H.jpg Comments to the situation (if it needed). none
  12. Doesn't matter what I think. It's called game mechanics.
  13. When joining a pre-started BG, sometimes it ends a lot earlier than normal. Thus no deserter.
  14. Name: Chàinzrøw Realm: Fun Description: Teleport Hacking Proof: https://youtu.be/J0Z9kPLe_Ww Comments: N/A
  15. Name: Leroyishere Realm: Fun Description: Teleport Hacking Proof: https://youtu.be/yr1g7Lj4RAs Comments: N/A
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