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Scorp last won the day on March 3

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About Scorp

  • Birthday 02/17/1998

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Wise Counsel (9/22)

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Community Answers

  1. I have reviewed the previously applied loot rules on trash mobs in updated classic dungeons. While you should not expect to see the behaviour that was there before the update, the loot in general is now more common. Change will take effect after next server update
  2. This encounter requires more corrections in general, but for now I have corrected the issue due to which boss was not doing anything + disabled the mind control ability, since that causes the encounter to reset in cases where player is doing the raid alone. Will be applied after next server update
  3. Scripted the encounter + event before it. This will go live together with full Blackrock Spire major update
  4. Scripted the encounter. This will go live together with full Blackrock Spire major update
  5. If you check in-game dungeon journal you can see that those two bosses do not have any guaranteed items in loot table. Regarding trash loot, you are not supposed to go out of Zul'Farrak with full bags of items every run
  6. Small confusion here on our side. We thought you were asking about a very similar title we added into the game recently - https://www.wowhead.com/ru/title/stylist-505. Regarding https://www.wowhead.com/ru/title/стиляга-477 title, I just added it into the game. You will receive it automatically after next server update
  7. All issues mentioned in this ticket have been corrected
  8. Hello, https://www.wowhead.com/npc=15556/elder-splitrock & https://www.wowhead.com/npc=15593/elder-starsong will be available in their expected positions tomorrow after server morning restart
  9. Been reworking https://www.wowhead.com/zone=2100/maraudon & https://www.wowhead.com/zone=1477/sunken-temple recently. Forgot that these dungeons also include Lunar Festival elders. I will add them back, you can check it again tomorrow after server morning restart
  10. Hello, I corrected the issue. The title will now be account wide with the condition that you have earned https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=1174/the-arena-master achievement on the account you are playing on. Check tomorrow after server morning restart and let me know if it's working for you now
  11. According to the information I gathered, the issue sometimes occurs when Lost Reindeer spawns in a zone that has not loaded yet. The event has 5 more cycles before it ends, unfortunately, the solution will not be implemented before that. However we'll take this into account when this or similar event is launched next time
  12. Issue which prevented https://db.pandawow.me/?npc=53890 from gaining stacks of https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=105248 has been solved. Will be applied after server update
  13. If the report is only about this part: Then I can answer that on PandaWoW all Tier Set Bonuses normally should stop working once player changes the set / specialization. Server Staff is aware that this was a thing during original MoP and that Blizzard took action against this only during WoD (if I remember correctly). Decision to treat these kind of cases like this here was done years ago (including Legacy Legendary weapons)
  14. Moved to PTR
  15. I completely reworked the previous implementation. Now upon defeating Garrosh Hellscream for the first time on Flexible, Normal or Heroic Mode the player will receive a one time quest per difficulty, which will give the player the choice to select one Heirloom fitting for their class, in other words, the list your class sees will have Heirlooms for all 3 loot specializations. As previously, the quest remains to not be account wide, so every character on player's account can complete all 3 quests (Flex, Normal, Heroic Mode Versions). Here is a table which reflects which Heirlooms can each class choose from: Class Heirlooms Warrior https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105679 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105678 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105680 Paladin https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105679 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105674 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105676 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105678 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105680 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105675 Death Knight https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105679 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105678 Hunter https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105670 Shaman https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105674 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105676 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105677 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105672 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105675 Rogue https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105672 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105671 Monk https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105676 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105673 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105677 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105672 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105675 Druid https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105676 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105673 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105677 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105675 Mage https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105676 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105677 Warlock https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105676 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105677 Priest https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105676 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105677 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105675 In-Game Version (Class: Warrior): Characters who have already defeated Garrosh Hellscream before this change will receive this quest as well, so players do not feel obligated to bring new characters to receive the Heirloom they wanted in the first place. Overall, I think this solution should satisfy the majority of players. For now this modification will be applied only on PTR later today until it's successfully validated. Previous implementation will continue to work until the new one gets enabled on live servers.
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