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Everything posted by Wuvius

  1. Provide a video as evidence, your words are not supporting anything. Frostjaw will not work if they are fully DR'D by silences.
  2. WTB 580 + DK paying up to max price depending on your character. Link me ur characters armory + price below.
  3. And do you have proof of this? Frostjaw has a silence aspect too, it shares the same DR'S as normal silences.
  4. ;/ what's the problem with multiboxing? I am sure you can make a group of warriors and bladestorm + bloodbath his squad.
  5. Zeox says get good.
  6. Just because it is "Fixed" does not mean it is already applied on live servers.
  7. No thanks lol. That's too broken and unbalanced for PVE. Also if it's from WOD and it is not in MOP then they will never add it.
  8. Most likely your account has been banned for the reason "Negative account balance" does your account have a - symbol next to any of your coins? and have you recently done a character transfer from a different server?
  9. Wuvius

    greater invis

    Proof that it should be like this. Your words wont influence anything. Proof > Words. We need video proof of this from official wow.
  10. Multiboxing is not prohibited and your screenshots do not work. Declined.
  11. Declined. https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=231580
  12. Declined. Rune trinket works like this just in-case you think that the damage is influenced by a "hack" (12,000 haste, 14,000 crit and 21,000 mastery, it adds your haste and crit together then *2 and then adds it to your mastery ) Then add the 31,000 agility and chi ji buff and full 588 armor with a pvp weapon for the pvp power. These are just numbers as an example. It is not a hack or abuse it is simply "hello, welcome to world pvp on timeless isle I have rune trinket this is my island now" this player is not hacking.
  13. Corrected. https://imgur.com/a/XJY6goR - tested with 30 + Malices and cannot re produce, if anybody else can re produce it then move the thread
  14. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71865/garrosh-hellscream 2. When transitioning from phase 3 > phase 4 the boss will stand still until he has been auto attacked. 3. In phase 4, 2 seconds after the debuff "weak-minded" has faded the boss should run after the player with the highest threat threshold (the tank) 4. x100 5. Came after > https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=222512&page=4&highlight=phase Pandawow: Retail:
  15. Clearly you cant test properly. When you wipe on phase 4 whilst the boss is casting manifest rage the adds will dissapear but when you pull the boss in phase 1 they re appear in phase 4 so when you enter phase 4 they immediately aggro. Manifest rage needs review >
  16. Dont think Pandawow wants to implement retail bugs.
  17. Fake report, declined. Read the tool-tip of REFLECTION next time.
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