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Everything posted by Wuvius

  1. It's called a 1min 30 fight duration. If you had a good raid you could do the same ;/ not like this 300k dps pala above me
  2. I will tell you one thing. If you press ENTER on your keyboard then nothing will happen. What you have to do is manually click accept, did you try this? when I was doing what you was doing in your GIF enter would always hit "cancel"
  3. https://imgur.com/a/9BLW14A 10 hc dark shamans / 1mil ( combat rogue ) for whoever asked.
  4. Combat Rogue : 93.11M / 674k https://imgur.com/a/G34K6rA
  5. But they only become available when the darkmoon faire is active? the calendar says the event is active tomorrow.
  6. Yeah but what class is that? battle regime? am I missing something? like skada or recount?
  7. Damn, you are like sonic. Do you have a crush on me? o; that's kinda gay dude ;/ why are u so quick to answer me lmao chill out and go get a beer or something. Stop being a keyboard warrior :( Just chill out, get a beer from the fridge and teach me how to frostfire bolt spam. Is this to much to ask for?
  8. Dam! look at that 5 key o; teach me how to spam that key please! I really need to swap my 1mil dps for ur 312k xDDD keeeeeeeeeeepo
  9. pahahahaha why are you so angry? you seem to have the confidence of a "pro" player so teach me how to spam frostfire bolt pls
  10. Nawww I guess the translator doesn't work ;/ I said teach me how to spam frostfire bolt.
  11. I dont think you understood me I said teach me how to spam frostfire bolt not teach me how to Q_q in a dps thread with 312k dps LMAO
  12. Teach me how to spam frostfire bolt pls
  13. Hahaha I expected that, just wait until tomorrow when we have actual core raiders and not 3 pugs / socials from /world. Since your on the topic of "mocking" I am just looking at your binds xDDDD FROSTFIRE BOLT LMAOOOO HAHAHAH no wonder u have garbage dps!! :D ICE BARRIER HAHAHA okey.... im done I have officially seen the biggest clown of Pandawow playing a mage XDDD yes!!! let's waste a GCD for a 150k shield rather than doing what your actually meant to do > DEAL DAMAGE xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD holy shit, why did you show me this screenshot? I will forever roast you.
  14. Oh more talk. Paha Sarannis leaving xD if I really want that guy back he will join back, so funny to see you and your boyfriends talk. Talking is all you are good at i'm afraid. Wasn't long ago actually when he asked to join back... let me think was it yesterday or 2 days ago? hmmm cba to check :) have fun with ur 312k dps
  15. https://imgur.com/a/tZO2Irc ( raid difficulty is 10 normal so base damage is 600,000 ) 257,220 is what I got hit for. 15% of 600,000 is 90,000 (15% because of Sanctuary passive) 600,000-90,000 is 510,000 510,000/2 = 255,000 https://imgur.com/a/IZ1ub3M 3,556,430 initial hit. 3,556,430/2 is 1,778,215 as shown above. Versus this spell the passive Sanctuary does not work but this is another report I will make as there are other spells I believe. Spell has now been corrected.
  16. When his fixate cast has started/finished you still leave combat still which allows players to change talents, get their potions back and allow other stuff. Other issues still remain so will move it back to review. This part was fixed.
  17. It's implemented to prevent players from solo tanking the bosses. Blizzard did not want this to happen, it's the same as in 5.0.5 they changed pets taunting bosses because in Mogu Shan vaults players pets would taunt emperor adds and solo tank them because pets have 99% damage reduction to aoe effects.
  18. /Yawn so much text i am not translating that. Are u all writing a love letter or smth?
  19. You backed off like a little girl too. You made no sense and was talking with your boyfriend.
  20. This mount will not be added i'm afraid. My only guess is that there is problems with the client and this mount and wont be added.
  21. pahaha? this is just words. Please report me! I beg you. It's funny you seem to talk a lot on the forums but stay quiet like a little girl in-game ;/ P.S https://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=220 if u think im abusing. And http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=31 if u see any bugs. and nobody was talking about any bugs here, simply mocking the low dps complaining about the lack of people using a dps spreadsheet (pwow version) which you should not use btw nobody wants to see a 587 ret pala do 300k dps it is embarrassing.
  22. Stealing vodka's tactics, using bugged classes and copying cd rotation xD why would I be mad at that? Funny how you envy my guild. You think garrosh is hard? ofc people killed him after vodka/solstorm. No reason to be mad because you copied our tactic and use bugged classes.
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